npm install think-redis
You can find all the config options at
const defaultConfig = {
port: 6379, // Redis port
host: '', // Redis host
password: '',
import Redis from '../index';
let redisInst = new Redis(config);
// set key
let s1 = await redisInst.set('name2', 'lushijie'); // never expire
let s2 = await redisInst.set('name3', 'lushijie', 3000); // milliseconds
let s3 = await redisInst.set('name4', 'lushijie', 'EX', 5); //seconds
let s4 = await redisInst.set('name5', 'lushijie', 'PX', 10000); //milliseconds
// get key's value
let g1 = await redisInst.get('name2');
// delete key
let d1 = await redisInst.delete(key);
// add event listener, supported events see at
redisInst.on('connect', function() {
// todo
// increase 1, if key not exist, set key's value eq 0 and then increase 1
await redisInst.increase(key);
// decrease 1, if key not exist, set key's value eq 0 then decrease 1
await redisInst.decrease(key);