🎉 🔉 🔊 [Music] 🔉 🔊 🎉
git clone git@github.com:thinkocapo/bash-party-scripting.git
cd bash-party-scripting
cp your_song.mp3 ./songs
or use the 5-second audio file that's already there
with the following options:
# plays first song in the songs directory
# adds color
./bashparty.sh --color
# plays random song from ./songs
./bashparty.sh --random
# plays 3rd song from ./songs [0,1,2]
./bashparty.sh --index 2
When I was developing this the song got stuck running once.
ps aux | grep '<part_of_song_mp3_name>'
kill <pid>
Debugging a script
set -x
set +x
Mac comes with afplay
for linux you'll need something different.