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Event maker, event taker! Scratch and sniff events.

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Replay is an event traffic replay service. It was formerly presented as The Undertaker at Hackweek 2020.


main.go grabs a bunch of sentry events in JSON form from Cloud Storage, updates them, and sends them to your DSN keys at


  1. Create a config.yaml. See config.yaml.example.

    SENTRY_JOB_MONITOR is good for capturing errors in Replay if you're running it on a job.
    DESTINATIONS are the dsn keys you want to send events to
    SOURCES are sentry org slugs you can scrape events from, and send to your DESTINATIONS. This is by default turned off. See demo_automation.go

  2. Install Google Cloud SDK 303.0.0. This is for reading JSON's from the thousands we have crowdsourced and saved in Cloud Storage.

    Obtain the Google Application Credentials file, and put the file path to it in your config.yaml's GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.

    go version go1.20.4 darwin/amd64


  1. go build -o bin/main *.go
  2. ./bin/main
  3. ./bin/main -i to ignore sending the event to Sentry
  4. Look for your events in your projects on

Adding Events to the Database

  1. Obtain the JSON for the event, remove the comments at the top.
  2. Create a file for the JSON in /events-errors under the right platform sub directory, so you have a local copy.
  3. Update the JSON's 'platform' value if need be.
  4. Upload a copy of this file to Cloud Storage (where Replay reads it from)
  5. If the platform type is new, then update config.yaml.example with the new platform type.
  6. If the platform type is new, then add the DSN for the platform type in config.yaml.
  7. If the platform type is new, add it as a const in main.go and to the platforms = []string array in main.go.


The -i ignore flag is for using during development, as you don't want to send malformed data or call bad URL's on Sentry.

You can pass a prefix for the files you want to read from Cloud Storage

Build and run quickly:

go build -o bin/main *.go && ./bin/main

You can tell these events apart from other demo automated events in Sentry by the 'se' (solutions engineer) tag. It's set un utils.go as se:replay.

Sentry Developer Documentation

For some JSON files you have to manually change the platform. For instance, java errors and android errors both have platform:java so change the android one to platform:android. And other sdk's simply report a value of platform:other which isn't helpful for Replay to know what kind of error it is. This is a flawed design. Ideally, should decide based on the value.

.NET Core events are platform:csharp and Maui events are platform:csharp. So to send events to a 'maui' Project in Sentry, update the maui event json to platform:maui (and the config.yaml with a maui section too).

This project was originally called Undertaker because it featured a proxy middleman that captured events on their way to Sentry. Today, we take the event JSON's from and place them in Cloud Storage.