Old snake game written in JS for Hacktoberfest 2018. I threw this together in a few minutes for the sole purpose of contributing real issues for Hacktoberfest. Too many cheap "Add-your-name-to-this-list" issues. Do anything you want with it (or look at the issues) and submit a PR.
Play the game here: https://pamblam.github.io/snek/
A few minor guidelines for contributing.
- Anyone can contribute (almost) anything.
- Please don't add any libraries.
- Please use tabs, not spaces, and try to maintain the existing formatting.
- Please add your name to the contributors list below if you did something.
- Fork this repo.
- Checkout your fork.
- Make changes and commit them to your fork.
- Hit the button that says "Submit Pull Request" on your forked repo.
If you register for Hacktoberfest and submit 5 PRs by the end of October 2018 you get free Hacktoberfest gear!
- Rob Parham (Pamblam)
- Juan Manuel Ramallo (juanmanuelramallo)
- Przemysław Półrolniczak (PrzemyslawPolrolniczak)
- D. L. Marrero (dlmarrero)
- David Quan (David-Quan00)
- Viswa Sai (visvxplore)
- Michał Krychniak (KauczukoweJajo)
- Henrique Melanda (hjdesigner)
- İlker IŞIK (necrashter)
- Derek Willingham(DirtySoc)
- Mobeen Abdullah (mobeenabdullah)
- Bruno Nakayabu (BrNaka)
- Jannis Portmann (thisfro)