Map easily URLs in your Web applications.
The extension Sinatra::Mapping is a minimal module that is useful for create map names for Ruby Sinatra web applications.
Install stable version gem from
gem install sinatra-mapping
Or, install development version gem from
gem install hallison-sinatra-mapping --source
Sinatra implements REST routes:
get '/' do .. show something .. end post '/' do .. create something .. end put '/' do .. update something .. end delete '/' do .. annihilate something .. end
For improve this routes use extension by registered method in the main source of application. To better understand, copy and paste the following example in Ruby source file weblog.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra/mapping' # only this line for use mapping! map :root, "blog" # /blog/ map :entries, "posts" # /blog/posts map :tags, "labels" # /blog/labels mapping :entry => "posts/:entry_id", # /blog/posts/id-for-post :entry_comments => "posts/:entry_id/comments", # /blog/posts/id-for-post/comments :tagged_entries => "labels/:tag_id/entries" # /blog/labels/id-for-tag/entries # /blog/ get root_path do <<-end_content <h1>Welcome to Foo Web Application</h1> <ul> <li>#{link_to title_path(:entries), :entries, :title => title_path(:entries)}</li> <li>#{link_to title_path(:tags), :tags, :title => title_path(:tags)}</li> </ul> end_content end # /blog/entries get entries_path do <<-end_content <h1>Welcome to Foo Web Application</h1> <h2>#{title_path(:entries)}</h2> <ul> <li>#{link_to "Testing new entry ...", :entries, "testing-new-entry"}</li> <li>#{link_to "Testing old entry ...", :entries, "testing-old-entry"}</li> </ul> <p> #{link_to "Back", :root} </p> end_content end # /blog/labels/tag-id-for-show-content get tags_path do <<-end_content <h1>Welcome to Foo Web Application</h1> <h2>#{title_path(:tags)}</h2> <ul> <li>#{link_to "Ruby", :tags, "ruby", "entries"}</li> <li>#{link_to "Sinatra", :tags, "sinatra", "entries"}</li> <li>#{link_to "Mapping", :tags, "mapping", "entries"}</li> </ul> <p> #{link_to "Back", :root} </p> end_content end # /blog/entries/entry-id-for-show-content get entry_path do |entry_id| title = entry_id.gsub('-',' ').capitalize <<-end_content <h1>Welcome to Foo Web Application</h1> <h2>#{title}</h2> <p> It works! </p> <p> #{link_to "Back", :root} | #{link_to "Comments", :entries, entry_id, 'comments'} </p> end_content end # /blog/entries/entry-id-for-show-content/comments get entry_comments_path do |entry_id| title = entry_id.gsub('-',' ').capitalize <<-end_content <h1>Welcome to Foo Web Application</h1> <h2>#{title}</h2> <p> It works and show comments for "#{title}". </p> <p> #{link_to "Back", :root} </p> end_content end get tagged_entries_path do |tag_id| <<-end_content <h1>Welcome to Foo Web Application</h1> <h2>#{tag_id.capitalize}</h2> <p> It works and show all entries tagged with "#{tag_id}". </p> <p> #{link_to "Back", :root} </p> end_content end
$ ruby weblog.rb -p 3000
Open Web browser localhost:3000/blog/ and look … it works!