Releases: thomaslaurenson/LiveDiff
Updated release of the LiveDiff tool (version 1.4.0).
The following downloads are provided in this release:
- MD5 hash value: 3130d733903ba7562057e9c4b2c84885
The distributed zip archive ( contains:
- Compiled Microsoft Windows binary executable (LiveDiff-1.4.0.exe)
- Static blacklist example (static-blacklist.txt)
- LiveDiff license file (License.txt)
- Project documentation (
- List of files and associated MD5 hashes (MD5.txt)
- Moved block based hashing from experimental status to tested
- Added support to specify block size when performing block based hashing with the '-b' command line option. See the following examples for usage:
LiveDiff-1.4.0.exe -d -b 512
LiveDiff-1.4.0.exe -d -f static_blacklist.txt -b 4096
- Added entropy calculation for block based hashing. Each block is subjected to entropy calculation and is reported in the DFXML byte_run element. See the following example:
<byte_run entropy="5.033007" file_offset="11264" len="512">
<hashdigest type="MD5">94028b9d6d872a03c633ddd1630cc028</hashdigest>
Updated release of the LiveDiff tool (version 1.3.0).
The following downloads are provided in this release:
- MD5 hash value: 7805016008019e8c83f3476ff4d8218f
The distributed zip archive ( contains:
- Compiled Microsoft Windows binary executable (LiveDiff-1.3.0.exe)
- Static blacklist example (static-blacklist.txt)
- LiveDiff license file (License.txt)
- Project documentation (
- List of files and associated MD5 hashes (MD5.txt)
- Added block hashing functionality (use '-b' at command line)(experimental status)
- Updated static blacklist to specify a known directory, file, key or value to be excluded from processing. The blacklisting process is recursive for directories and key (e.g., any files in a blacklisted directory will be excluded)
- Added hard-coded blacklisting of symbolic link file system entries (directories and files)
- Collection of bug fixes and code tidy as well
Updated release of the LiveDiff tool (version 1.2.1).
LiveDiff version 1.2.1 is the fourth stable release.
The following downloads are provided in this release:
- MD5 hash value: 23e708545d4b9c66760bce31f5125bd7
The distributed zip archive ( contains:
- Compiled Microsoft Windows binary executable (LiveDiff-1.2.1.exe)
- Examples of static blacklists for directories (blacklist-dirs.txt) and Registry keys (blacklist-keys.txt)
- LiveDiff license file (License.txt)
- Project documentation (
- List of files and associated MD5 hashes (MD5.txt)
- Fixed blacklisting to occur after APXML document creation.
- Fixed command line argument issues
Updated release of the LiveDiff tool (version 1.2.0).
LiveDiff version 1.2.0 is the third stable release.
The following downloads are provided in this release:
- MD5 hash value: f9dedf026bcbccbdfffe4e20c38bf78a
The distributed zip archive ( contains:
- Compiled Microsoft Windows binary executable (LiveDiff-1.2.0.exe)
- LiveDiff license file (License.txt)
- Project documentation (
- List of files and associated MD5 hashes (MD5.txt)
- Added static blacklisting to filter (ignore) specific directories and Registry keys
- Added precision mode to support level of precision for system delta changes (e.g., only report new/deleted entries, or report new/deleted and modified entries)
- Removed save snapshot functionality (currently re-implementing functionality)
- Various bug fixes and code tidy
Updated release of the LiveDiff tool (version 1.1.1).
LiveDiff version 1.1.1 is the second stable release.
The following downloads are provided in this release:
- MD5 hash value for 58024e77aa292a8b62b78e3f6abcce8c
The distributed zip archive ( contains:
- Compiled Microsoft Windows binary executable (LiveDiff-1.1.1.exe)
- LiveDiff license file (License.txt)
- Project roadmap (Roadmap.txt)
- Project documentation (
- List of files and associated MD5 hashes (MD5.txt)
Initial release of the LiveDiff tool (version 1.1.0).
LiveDiff version 1.1.0 is the first stable release.
The following downloads are provided in this release:
- MD5 hash value for bc8e5c135c490352e41e7f9e9948e3fd
The distributed zip archive ( contains:
- Compiled Microsoft Windows binary executable (LiveDiff-1.1.0.exe)
- LiveDiff license file (License.txt)
- Project roadmap (Roadmap.txt)
- Project documentation (
- List of files and associated MD5 hashes (MD5.txt)
Initial release of the LiveDiff tool (version 1.0.0).
LiveDiff version 1.0.0 is a unstable release used for academic testing purposes.
The following downloads are provided in this release:
- MD5 hash value for bc8e5c135c490352e41e7f9e9948e3fd
The distributed zip archive ( contains:
- Compiled Microsoft Windows binary executable (LiveDiff-1.0.0.exe)
- LiveDiff license file (License.txt)
- Project roadmap (Roadmap.txt)
- Project documentation (
- List of files and associated MD5 hashes (MD5.txt)