- 1.9 kB gzipped
- Strongly typed
- Error re-render can be scoped to components
- Fully asynchronous
- Syntax is heavily inspired from react-hook-form
import { useForm } from 'react-pocket-form'
function Form() {
const { register, handleSubmit, errors } = useForm<{
age: number
data: [{ id: string }]
const errs = errors()
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit((data) => console.log(data))}>
{...register('age', {
required: true,
transform: Number,
validation: (v) => v >= 18,
message: 'You must be at least 18',
{errs.age && <p> {errs.age[0]} </p>}
{...register('data.[0].id', {
required: 'Your id is required.',
transform: (v) => v.toUpperCase(),
{errs['data.[0].id'] && <p> {errs['data.[0].id'][0]} </p>}
<button />
npm i react-pocket-form
yarn add react-pocket-form
: The default form value.autoUnregister
: Unset value when input unregister (default: false).resetOnSubmit
: Reset all states on sumbit (default: true).isValidation
: Manage global validation state (default: true).validation
: Use custom resolver for validation.focusOnError
: Focus on the first element registered with an error when submiting (default: true).
: Using a string is equivalent totrue
and will modify the default error mesage which is "Field required". Can be used implicitly by using the attribute directly on the input. A field is considered empty when its value is :undefined
. (default: false).type
: (default: 'text').defaultValue
: (event, value) => Promise.onChange
: (event, value) => Promise.onMount
: (event, value) => Promise.onUnmount
: (event) => Promise.onBlur
: (event, value) => Promise.defaultChecked
: (default: false).value
'change' | 'blur' | 'submit' (default: 'submit').revalidateOn
'change' | 'submit' | 'blur' (default: 'submit').validation
{ fn: (v, values) => Promise, message?: string }[] | (v, values) => Promise.message
: Validation Error message, must be used when validation is not an array.
() => string[] | undefined
Hook which trigger a single re-render when there is a validation error at the specified path. The size of the array of error depend on the size of the validation array (+1 if required is true)
import { useForm } form 'react-pocket-form'
const Component = () => {
const { errors } = useForm<{id: number}>()
const errs = errors()
return <p>{errs.id[0]}</p>
(path) => string[] | undefined
Return a hook which trigger a single re-render when there is a validation error at the specified path. The size of the array of error depend on the size of the validation array (+1 if required is true)
(path, opts?: { defaultValue }) => value
Hook which return the watched value and trigger a single re-render when it change.
(path) => void
Allow you to pass the form context to nested components.
import React from 'react'
import { useForm, FormProvider, useFormContext } from 'react-pocket-form'
function Form() {
const methods = useForm()
return (
<FormProvider {...methods}>
<NestedInput />
function NestedInput() {
const { register, error } = useFormContext()
return <input {...register('id')} />