A modern starter template for building web applications with Meteor.js, Svelte 5, Vite, and TailwindCSS.
- 🚀 Meteor 3.0+ for full-stack JavaScript
- ⚡️ Svelte 5 with Vite for lightning-fast development
- 🎨 TailwindCSS for utility-first styling
- 📦 ESLint & Prettier pre-configured
- 🔧 TypeScript support
- 🛠️ Development tools and best practices setup
- Create a new project using this template:
git clone https://your-repo/meteor-svelte-vite-starter my-app
cd my-app
rm -rf .git
git init
- Install dependencies:
meteor npm install
- Start the development server:
meteor npm start
- Client-side entry point/server
- Server-side entry point/imports
- Application code/ui
- Svelte components/api
- Collections and methods/startup
- Initialization code
npm start
- Start development servernpm run lint
- Run ESLintnpm run format
- Run Prettiernpm run check
- Run both lint and format
meteor build --directory ./build
cd build/bundle
(cd programs/server && npm install)
NODE_ENV=production PORT=3000 MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/yourapp ROOT_URL=http://localhost:3000 node main.js