Toss your github pushes to a Jabbr instance. A Nancy app for handling GitHub post receive hooks.
git clone this repository
modify the Jabbr.GitHub\config.json file
{ default: { jabbr: "", rooms: [ "roomA" ], username: "your user name", password: "" }, "name-of-your-repository": { rooms: [ "roomA", "roomB" ], template: "customtemplate.cshtml" } }
You can specify custom configurations per repository. The
object will be used for any other repository -
for custom messages simply add a Razor template to the templates folder, it will receive a dynamic object containing the payload
Open Solution in Visual Studio and F5
Next configure your github repository for a Post-Receive hook, we can receive payload on the /github
###appharbor This project runs on the awesome AppHarbor, simply clone, adjust the config and push
###what i used
- Nancy, a perfect match for this project
- Jabbr.Client, so I didn't have to care about the protocol
- RazorEngine, for easy rendering of the payload
Inspiration: github-campfire