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This library extends Asami in-memory graphs to Loom.
By requiring asami-loom.index
, then the asami.index.IndexGraph
graphs are extended to:
By requiring asami-loom.multi-graph
, then the asami.multi-graph.MultiGraph
graphs are extended to:
By requiring asami-loom.label
, then both the asami.index.IndexGraph
and asami.multi-graph.MultiGraph
graphs get extended to:
Requiring one of the above namespaces in any namespace that uses Asami in-memory graphs will automatically apply the extensions. Loom can use the graphs with the standard APIs.
Configuring Asami Loom can be done by requiring the appropriate name spaces. Then just load data into Asami as usual.
Note: Some of this API will change soon to simplify. Specifically, the use of the Naga Storage API will be dropped.
This means that
won't be needed, as the graph won't need to be extracted from the store object.
(require '[asami.core :as d :refer [create-database connect transact db q]])
(create-database "asami:mem://music")
(def conn (connect "asami:mem://music"))
(def data
[{:db/ident "paul"
:artist/name "Paul McCartney"}
{:db/ident "george"
:artist/name "George Harrison"}
{:db/ident "john"
:artist/name "John Lennon"}
{:release/artists {:db/ident "paul"}
:release/name "My Sweet Lord"}
{:release/artists {:db/ident "george"}
:release/name "Electronic Sound"}
{:release/artists {:db/ident "george"}
:release/name "Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)"}
{:release/artists {:db/ident "george"}
:release/name "All Things Must Pass"}
{:release/artists {:db/ident "john"}
:release/name "Imagine"}])
(transact conn {:tx-data data})
(def graph (d/graph (db conn)))
The entity IDs created with nn
above are represented as keywords with the namespace "mem".
Also, edges are typically keywords, but can also be strings.
With these assumptions in mind, we can use the following definitions to get labels for edges or nodes.
(defn edge-label
[g s d]
(str (q '[:find ?edge . :in $ ?a ?b :where (or [?a ?edge ?b] [?b ?edge ?a])] g s d)))
(defn node-label
[g n]
(let [id (q [:find '?id '. :where [n :db/ident '?id]] g)]
(cond id (str id)
(and (keyword? n) (= (namespace n) "tg")) (str ":" (name n))
:default (str n))))
With this configuration set up, the Loom display
function can be used to create a graphical view.
(require '[asami-loom.index])
(require '[asami-loom.label])
(require '[ :as loom-io])
(loom-io/view graph :fmt :pdf :alg :sfdp :edge-label (partial edge-label graph) :node-label (partial node-label graph))
Valid algorithms are:
- :dot
- :neato
- :fdp
- :sfdp
- :twopi
- :circo
Valid Formats are:
- :png
- :ps
- :svg
Loom launches the system default viewers for these file types.
Copyright © 2019-2020 Cisco Systems
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at