A speech-to-text library for React Native.
npm i react-native-voice --save
Manually or automatically link the NativeModule
react-native link react-native-voice
- In
include ':react-native-voice', ':app'
project(':react-native-voice').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-voice/android')
- In
dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-voice')
- In
import android.app.Application;
import com.facebook.react.ReactApplication;
import com.facebook.react.ReactPackage;
import com.wenkesj.voice.VoicePackage; // <------ Add this!
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements ReactApplication {
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new VoicePackage() // <------ Add this!
Drag the Voice.xcodeproj from the react-native-voice/ios folder to the Libraries group on Xcode in your poject. Manual linking
Click on your main project file (the one that represents the .xcodeproj) select Build Phases and drag the static library, lib.Voice.a, from the Libraries/Voice.xcodeproj/Products folder to Link Binary With Libraries
Full example for Android and iOS.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { TouchableOpacity, View, Text } from "react-native";
import Voice from "react-native-voice";
class VoiceTest extends Component {
constructor(props) {
Voice.onSpeechStart = this.onSpeechStartHandler.bind(this);
Voice.onSpeechEnd = this.onSpeechEndHandler.bind(this);
Voice.onSpeechPartialResults = this.onSpeechPartialResultsHandler.bind(this);
Voice.onSpeechResults = this.onSpeechResultsHandler.bind(this);
Voice.onSpeechError = this.onSpeechErrorHandler.bind(this);
// Note: consider using Voice.removeAllListeners() if this component unmounts during speech recognition
onSpeechStartHandler() {
console.log("Speech started");
// Update state to notify user that speech recognition has started
onSpeechPartialResultsHandler(e) {
// e = { value: string[] }
// Loop through e.value for speech transcription results
console.log("Partial results", e);
onSpeechResultsHandler(e) {
// e = { value: string[] }
// Loop through e.value for speech transcription results
console.log("Speech results", e);
onSpeechEndHandler(e) {
// e = { error?: boolean }
console.log("Speech ended", e);
onSpeechErrorHandler(e) {
// e = { code?: string, message?: string }
switch (e.code) { ... }
onStartButtonPress = async () => {
try {
await Voice.start("en_US");
} catch (exception) {
// exception = Error | { code: string, message?: string }
render() {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.onStartButtonPress}>
Static access to the Voice API.
All methods now return a new Promise
for async/await
Method Name | Description | Platform |
Voice.isAvailable() | Checks whether a speech recognition service is available on the system. | Android, iOS |
Voice.isReady() | Checks whether speech recognition is ready to be used. | iOS |
Voice.start(locale: string) | Starts listening for speech for a specific locale. Returns null if no error occurs. | Android, iOS |
Voice.stop() | Stops listening for speech. Returns null if no error occurs. | Android, iOS |
Voice.cancel() | Cancels the speech recognition. Returns null if no error occurs. | Android, iOS |
Voice.destroy() | Destroys the current SpeechRecognizer instance. Returns null if no error occurs. | Android, iOS |
Voice.removeAllListeners() | Cleans/nullifies overridden Voice static methods. |
Android, iOS |
Voice.isRecognizing() | Return if the SpeechRecognizer is recognizing. | Android, iOS |
Voice.setCategory(category: string) | Sets the iOS audio category. | iOS |
Voice.setPermissionRationaleAndroid(title: string, message: string) | Sets the permission rationale when requesting microphone permissions | Android |
Voice.requestPermissionsAndroid() | Requests permissions to use the microphone. Note: already checked in Voice.start() |
Android |
Callbacks that are invoked when a native event emitted.
Event Name | Description | Event | Platform |
Voice.onSpeechStart() | Invoked when .start() is called without error. |
null |
Android, iOS |
Voice.onSpeechRecognized(event) | Invoked when speech is recognized. | { isFinal: boolean } |
Android, iOS |
Voice.onSpeechEnd(event) | Invoked when SpeechRecognizer stops recognition. | { error?: boolean } |
Android, iOS |
Voice.onSpeechError(event) | Invoked when an error occurs. | { code: string, message?: string } |
Android, iOS |
Voice.onSpeechResults(event) | Invoked when SpeechRecognizer is finished recognizing. | { value: Array<string> } |
Android, iOS |
Voice.onSpeechPartialResults(event) | Invoked when any results are computed. | { value: Array<string> } |
Android, iOS |
Voice.onSpeechVolumeChanged(event) | Invoked when pitch that is recognized changed. | { value: pitch in dB } |
Android |
This applies to Voice.onSpeechError(e)
and when await Voice.start()
throws an exception.
onSpeechErrorHandler(e) {
// e: { code: string, message?: string }
// switch (e.code) { ... }
try {
await Voice.start();
} catch (e) {
// Note: on Android this will *likely* return an Error object.
// e: Error | { code: string, message?: string }
// switch (e.code) { ... }
Code | Description | Platform |
permissions |
User denied microphone/speech recognition permissions | Android, iOS |
recognizer_busy |
Speech recognition has already started | Android, iOS |
not_available |
Speech recognition is not available on the device | Android, iOS |
audio |
Audio engine / Audio session error | Android, iOS |
network |
Network error | Android |
network_timeout |
Network timeout error | Android |
speech_timeout |
Speech ios apprecognition timeout | Android |
no_match |
No recognition matches | Android |
server |
Server error | Android |
restricted |
Speech recognition is restricted | iOS |
not_authorized |
Speech recognition is not authorized | iOS |
not_ready |
Speech recognition is not ready to start | iOS |
recognition_init |
Speech recognition initialization failed | iOS |
start_recording |
[inputNode installTapOnBus:0...] call failed |
iOS |
input |
Audio engine has no input node | iOS |
recognition_fail |
General failure while using recognition. Has a "message" prop |
iOS |
Arguably the most important part.
While the included VoiceTest
app works without explicit permissions checks and requests, it may be necessary to add a permission request for RECORD_AUDIO
for some configurations.
Since Android M (6.0), user need to grant permission at runtime (and not during app installation).
By default, calling the startSpeech
method will invoke RECORD AUDIO
permission popup to the user. This can be disabled by passing REQUEST_PERMISSIONS_AUTO: true
in the options argument.
Need to include permissions for NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
and NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription
inside Info.plist for iOS. See the included VoiceTest
for how to handle these cases.
<string>Description of why you require the use of the microphone</string>
<string>Description of why you require the use of the speech recognition</string>
Please see the documentation provided by ReactNative for this: PermissionsAndroid
- @asafron
- @BrendanFDMoore
- @brudny
- @chitezh
- @ifsnow
- @jamsch
- @misino
- @Noitidart
- @ohtangza & @hayanmind
- @rudiedev6
- @tdonia
- @wenkesj