⚠️ The repository has recently modified its name to web3gw. Although Github will redirect the fetches, pushes, etc to the new name they do strongly recommend to change the remote:
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:threefoldtech/web3gw.git
The web3gw implements a json rpc 2.0 server which opens up remote procedure calls for many clients such as tfgrid, tfchain, stellar, bitcoin, etc. Each directory in here is a client that the web3 proxy supports.
Project setup:
- Server: the implementation for the json rpc 2.0 server
- Lib: the V library that implements the client for the json rpc 2.0 server, each of the server's methods can be called from that library
- Examples: contains some examples of V scripts for each client that the json rpc 2.0 server supports, these scripts show you how you can use the V library
The server is implemented in go and is located in this folder. To build and run the server execute these commands:
cd web3gw
./build.sh && ~/go/bin/web3gw-server --debug
The json rpc 2.0 server should now be up and running and should allow you to call any of the clients that the server supports.
If you wish to use the V library to contact the server you first have to install the V library. Please execute the command shown below. The V library has a dependency on crystallib. The bash scrips show below will do that for you unless you install it first. Installing it first allows you to be able to use different branches from crystallib as runtime code.
You should now be able to run the examples under examples. They should give you an idea of how you can use the V library to interact with the proxy.
Follow the steps here to add the client to the json rpc 2.0 server and then look here to add the necessary code for the V library. This repository contains a pipeline that builds and tests both the server and V clients. This should be green for development at all times. Whenever we add a new client to the web3 proxy it should be build by CI to make sure that it is building at all times.
To generate the documentation for the project, run v run doc.vsh
. This builds:
- MDBook Documentation in html format from content in manual folder in
. - OpenRPC Documents for the JSON-RPC API's at
from V clients inlib
. - OpenRPC Playground for the JSON-RPC API's at
Find out more about how comments in code are used to generate OpenRPC Documents for domains, and how to annotate your code accordingly here
To locally generate specific documents and not all of the aforementioned artifacts, comment out the lines in the doc.vsh script accordingly.
Note that running this command overwrites prebuilt content in docs if any, and is not necessary beyond testing locally as the script is run in CI workflow upon pushing / merging changes to the development branch. The docs are generated automatically and are made available on Github Pages at the projects page
Links to generated documents:
- Manual
- OpenRPC Document for all clients
- OpenRPC Document for each client: https://threefoldtech.github.io/web3gw/openrpc/<client_name>/openrpc.json
- OpenRPC Playground
While /docs is already in .gitignore, please avoid pushing generated docs.
See manual for more info on using mdbooks for documentation.