Modern JS PWA
AddressCard - Delivery Location info
JobCard - Delivery job details
JobMap - Maps all job buckets with open tabs
Board - All th job buckets
JobBucket - Holds a category of jobs
To get started simply download or clone the repository into a folder of your liking. Make you you have NodeJS installed and run
npm install
To run the dev server environment
npm run buildDev
To build production files for the built in NodeJS/ExpressJS web application
npm run build
The server folder is the Node/ExpressJS application. This is where you will extend your api. To run your production Node environment (as you would on a server) CD into the server folder.
Make sure your node_modules are installed
npm install
Now fire up the server
node index.js
You now have a hot reloading, client side developoment environment able to communicate with your backend ExpressJS web server which mimics the production environment. When both apps are running Express will pick up on your JS changes as the webpack development server builds them.