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金帆、霍江浩 论文deep analogy
解释iGAN P9(6)式子 [31]式子与[33]的A结合 [31]常灰度/梯度假设,平滑项,倒三角3的意思,Ψ函数 [33]A的作用 [CVAA]能量函数E_SSD # reference: [CVAA] Szeliski. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications [31][33]是iGAN论文中的引文编号 [31] Brox, T., Bruhn, A., Papenberg, N., Weickert, J.: High accuracy optical flow estimation based on a theory for warping. In: ECCV. Springer (2004) 25–36 [33] Shih, Y., Paris, S., Durand, F., Freeman, W.T.: Data-driven hallucination of dif- ferent times of day from a single outdoor photo. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 32(6) (2013) 200
DOI: 1705.01088
代码已经下载到/home/jackey/install/Deep-Image-Analogy,先复制到自己的文件夹里,否则没有权限。运行方式参考`./demo deep_image_analogy/models/ deep_image_analogy/demo/content.png deep_image_analogy/demo/style.png deep_image_analogy/demo/output/ 0 0.5 2 0`。 当然源代码github.com/thu-fit/Deep-Image-Analogy中fork了一份。
deep analogy 源码:github
明确需求: 比较完善的简笔画→图片