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This is the repo for Self-Checkpoint project. Self-checkpoint is an in-memory checkpoint method using less memory space (about 1/2), so more can be left for applications. There is a plan to build some APIs, but currently this method is hard coded inside applications.


SKT-HPL is a fault-tolerant HPL implementation based on self-checkpoint.

It is based on HPL benchmark (version 2.2). Modification can be found in

  • include/hpl_grid.h
  • src/pgesv/HPL_pdgesv0.c
  • src/grid/HPL_grid_init.c
  • testing/ptest/HPL_pdtest.c

Install and Run

The installation of SKT-HPL is the same with original HPL. Running scripts are provided in skt-hpl/bin/scripts. A step-by-step tutorial in PDF format is provided. There is also a README.txt in skt-hpl/bin/scripts, but not so deatiled.