Instructor: Jake VanderPlas
- email:
- twitter: @jakevdp
- github: jakevdp
This repository will contain files and other info associated with my PyCon 2014 scikit-learn tutorial.
The video is available on PyVideo: Exploring Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
This tutorial will require recent installations of numpy, scipy, matplotlib, scikit-learn, and ipython with ipython notebook. The last one is important: you should be able to type
ipython notebook
in your terminal window and see the notebook panel load in your web browser. Because Python 3 compatibility is still being ironed-out for these packages (we're getting close, I promise!) participants should plan to use Python 2.6 or 2.7 for this tutorial.
For users who do not yet have these packages installed, a relatively painless way to install all the requirements is to use a package such as Anaconda, which can be downloaded and installed for free.
I would highly recommend using git, not only for this tutorial, but for the general betterment of your life. Once git is installed, you can clone the material in this tutorial by using the git address shown above:
git clone git://
If you can't or don't want to install git, there is a link above to download the contents of this repository as a zip file. I may make minor changes to the repository in the days before the tutorial, however, so cloning the repository is a much better option.
These notebooks in this repository can be statically viewed using the
excellent nbviewer site. They will not
be able to be modified within nbviewer. To modify them, first download
the tutorial repository, change to the notebooks directory, and type
ipython notebook
. You should see the list in the ipython notebook
launch page in your web browser.
- 00_Preliminaries.ipynb
- 01_basics.ipynb
- 02_data_representation.ipynb
- 03_basic_principles.ipynb
- 04_supervised_in_depth.ipynb
- 05_unsupervised_in_depth.ipynb
- 06_validation.ipynb
Note that some of the code in these notebooks will not work outside the directory structure of this tutorial, so it is important to clone the full repository if possible.