- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Run tests
MIX_ENV=test mix test
- Build the image and container
docker-compose up -d
- Start the container
docker container exec -it app sh
- Install dependencies
mix deps.get
- Run tests
MIX_ENV=test mix test
- Elixir 1.10
- Erlang/OTP 22
- Default Environment variables: MIX_ENV as dev
- Database: no
- Libraries: Ecto (Just for validation)
- Run the program
iex -S mix
#Example of a valid Event:
instruction: :new | :update | :delete,
side: :bid | :ask,
price_level_index: integer()
price: float()
quantity: integer()
iex(1)> {:ok, exchange_pid} = Exchange.start_link()
{:ok, #PID<0.141.0>}
iex(2)> Exchange.send_instruction(exchange_pid, %{
instruction: :new,
side: :bid,
price_level_index: 1,
price: 50.0,
quantity: 30
iex(3)> Exchange.send_instruction(exchange_pid, %{
instruction: :new,
side: :bid,
price_level_index: 2,
price: 40.0,
quantity: 40
iex(4)> Exchange.send_instruction(exchange_pid, %{
instruction: :new,
side: :ask,
price_level_index: 1,
price: 60.0,
quantity: 10
iex(5)> Exchange.send_instruction(exchange_pid, %{
instruction: :new,
side: :ask,
price_level_index: 2,
price: 70.0,
quantity: 10
iex(6)> Exchange.send_instruction(exchange_pid, %{
instruction: :update,
side: :ask,
price_level_index: 2,
price: 70.0,
quantity: 20
iex(7)> Exchange.send_instruction(exchange_pid, %{
instruction: :update,
side: :bid,
price_level_index: 1,
price: 50.0,
quantity: 40
iex(8)> Exchange.order_book(exchange_pid, 2)
%{ask_price: 60.0, ask_quantity: 10, bid_price: 50.0, bid_quantity: 40},
%{ask_price: 70.0, ask_quantity: 20, bid_price: 40.0, bid_quantity: 40}