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EDK II git svn

Jordan Justen edited this page Jul 1, 2014 · 2 revisions

If you have commit access, then you should consider using git-svn to interface with the EDK II svn repository.

If you do not have commit access, then you should instead just clone one of the git mirrors listed on the Source Control page.

Table of Contents

git-svn Overview

By using git-svn, you can utilize a large portion of the git feature set.

With git-svn, you will be able to download all svn changes into a local git repository, and commit new changes.

There are probably much better git-svn tutorials on the web. (The git website is probably a good place to start.) But, here is some brief information...

Create a new EDK II tree with git-svn

This will download all changes from svn (this will take a very long time!):

bash$ git svn clone -s edk2

You can also download a snapshot git-svn tree:

The snapshots are named edk2-git-svn-*.zip. They contain the git repository along with the svn data.

  1. Unzip the file into an empty directory
  2. Run 'git reset --hard' in that directory

Commit changes to your local tree

When using git, your changes are first committed to your local tree. The simplest way to commit all current changes in your tree is:

bash$ git commit -a

But, if you just want to commit changes to a single file, then use:

bash$ git add path/to/file
bash$ git commit

When working with your local tree, you can probably find much better tutorials on the web. (The git website is probably a good place to start.)

Publishing changes to svn

As mentioned above your git commits are stored locally in the git repository within your source tree.

To publish (commit) your changes to svn, you'll use the git svn dcommit command.

dcommit will check in all the local commits you've made into svn 1-by-1. Here is a recommended sequence of steps for committing your changes to svn:

This will download all recent changes from svn and rebase your local changes to occur after the new remote changes:

bash$ git svn rebase

Highly recommended for new git-svn users! Run dcommit with --dry-run to make sure the number of changes you expect will be be committed:

bash$ git svn dcommit --dry-run

Commit all of your changes to svn:

bash$ git svn dcommit

See also

Category:EDKII Category:git
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