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UDK2018 Core Update Notes

Laurie Jarlstrom edited this page Mar 31, 2018 · 6 revisions

UDK2018 Core Update Notes

  1. GCC tool chain adds --whole-archive link option to detect the duplicated function or variable name. If the source code has such issue, the code needs to be fixed first. Or, platform can set link option to disable this checker in DSC file like below:

    GCC:*_*_*_DLINK_FLAGS = -Wl,--no-whole-archive

  2. MdePkg BaseLib add new API CalculateCrc32() to calculate CRC32 value. If the source code has the same function name, it needs to be updated to use BaseLib one.

  3. Define GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED as empty in Base.h for VS2013 or above compiler. If platform defines this MACRO as the different value, platform needs to update their code to remove this macro definition, and use it from Base.h. If platform has the duplicated global variable name from the different libraries, it may be exposed by this change. Platform needs to update the code to avoid the duplicated global variable name.

  4. To follow UEFI 2.7, variable driver is updated to do more check and expose an issue in ShellPkg DmpStore.c. Then, DmpStore command in old SHELL will not work. New SHELL binary or source needs to be used.

  5. The code to provide "TFTP" and "DP" shell commands is moved from ShellPkg/Library directory to ShellPkg/DynamicCommand directory. Platforms which use Shell source code needs to:

    a. Remove below two libraries' INF files reference from platform DSC file;


    b. Add dynamic commands for the two shell commands in DSC and FDF files;


    c. Set gEfiShellPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdShellLibAutoInitialize as FALSE for Shell.inf and these two command INF in platform DSC.

  6. SmbiosMeasurement has been updated to skip measurement for OEM type. Platform code should measure OEM type by itself if required.

  7. Microcode update module has been moved from UefiCpuPkg to IntelSiliconPkg. Platform needs to update MicrocodeUpdate INF path in DSC/FDF like below.
    UefiCpuPkg/Feature/Capsule/MicrocodeUpdateDxe/MicrocodeUpdateDxe.inf -> IntelSiliconPkg/Feature/Capsule/MicrocodeUpdateDxe/MicrocodeUpdateDxe.inf

  8. PerformancePkg is removed. Platform should use the "DP" command produced by ShellPkg/DynamicCommand/DpDynamicCommand. PcAtchipsetPkg/Library/ AcpiTimerLib is recommended to be used instead of PerformancePkg/Library/ TscTimerLib. If the overrided TscTimerLib is still used, the definitions in PerformancePkg TscFrequency.h and GenericIch.h need to be copied to platform package.

  9. A new interface is introduced to CpuExceptionHandlerLib.
    It must be implemented for any existing instance of this library otherwise the build will fail. This method can just call original InitializeCpuExceptionHandlers if there's no stack switch to setup for Stack Guard feature.

    InitializeCpuExceptionHandlersEx (
      IN EFI_VECTOR_HANDOFF_INFO            *VectorInfo OPTIONAL,
  1. DxeIpl is updated to set all memory blocks used for page table as read-only. For those platforms providing their own implementation of EFI_CPU_ARCH_PROTOCOL, the SetMemoryAttributes method must be updated to clear CR0.WP before changing page attributes and re-set it afterwards.

  2. PEI SectionExtraction PPI removes the hardcode alignment adjustment in GUIDED and Compression section. If the leaf section in GUIDED and Compression section has the alignment requirement, it needs to obviously specify its align in FDF file.

  3. New performance library and DP application depends on ACPI50 FPDT table. Platform needs to include MdeModulePkg FirmwarePerformanceDataTablePei/FirmwarePerformanceDataTableDxe /FirmwarePerformanceDataTableSmm drivers. And, if PcAtChipsetPkg BaseAcpiTimerLib is used to catch the performance log in PEI phase, it needs to be changed to PeiAcpiTimerLib.

  4. New OpalPassword solution remove OpalPasswordSmm and adds OpalPasswordPei.
    Platform needs to exclude below lines in platform dsc and fdf.
    Platform needs to update below line in platform dsc and fdf.
    SecurityPkg/Tcg/Opal/OpalPasswordDxe/OpalPasswordDxe.inf -> SecurityPkg/Tcg/Opal/OpalPassword/OpalPasswordDxe.inf
    Platform needs to add below line in platform dsc and fdf.
    And platform needs to connect trusted storage and console to enable the new OpalPassword solution. S3 reserved memory size (for example, PcdS3AcpiReservedMemorySize) needs to be enlarged as new OpalPasswordPei needs to allocate DMA buffer for DMA operation to unlock OPAL device.

  5. New field Translation is added to PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_APERTURE structure in MdeModulePkg/ Include/Library/PciHostBridgeLib.h. Platform whose HOST address equals to DEVICE address needs to initialize this field to 0.

  6. All TrEE libraries and drivers are removed. A platform should use Tcg2 libraries and drivers.
    Left guid/header file/library/drivers are removed. They are required to be replaced by right ones.

    gTrEEConfigFormSetGuid                    <== gTcg2ConfigFormSetGuid
    gEfiTrEEPhysicalPresenceGuid              <== gEfiTcg2PhysicalPresenceGuid
    Include/Guid/TrEEConfigHii.h              <== Include/Guid/Tcg2ConfigHii.h
    Include/Guid/TrEEPhysicalPresenceData.h   <== Include/Guid/Tcg2PhysicalPresenceData.h
    Include/Library/TrEEPhysicalPresenceLib.h <== Include/Library/Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLib.h
    Include/Library/TrEEPpVendorLib.h         <== Include/Library/Tcg2PpVendorLib.h
    Library/TrEEPpVendorLibNull               <== Library/Tcg2PpVendorLibNull
    Library/DxeTrEEPhysicalPresenceLib        <== Library/DxeTcg2PhysicalPresenceLib
    Library/Tpm2DeviceLibTrEE                 <== Library/Tpm2DeviceLibTcg2
    Tcg/TrEEConfig                            <== Tcg/Tcg2Config
    Tcg/TrEEPei                               <== Tcg/Tcg2Pei
    Tcg/TrEEDxe                               <== Tcg/Tcg2Dxe
    Tcg/TrEESmm                               <== Tcg/Tcg2Smm

Note: This page describes the Core package differences based on UEFI Development Kit (UDK) UDK2017 Release. For a detailed list of Changes and updates See UDK2018 Release wiki page

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