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simplify the clock logic by removing LinkOperations #1090

merged 6 commits into from
Jul 30, 2024
61 changes: 27 additions & 34 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Process.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)

import qualified Sound.Osc.Fd as O
Expand All @@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ import qualified Sound.Tidal.Link as Link
import Sound.Tidal.Params (pS)
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
import Sound.Tidal.Show ()
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
import Sound.Tidal.Utils ((!!!))

import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Target
Expand All @@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ data ProcessedEvent =
ProcessedEvent {
peHasOnset :: Bool,
peEvent :: Event ValueMap,
peCps :: Link.BPM,
peCps :: Double,
peDelta :: Link.Micros,
peCycle :: Time,
peOnWholeOrPart :: Link.Micros,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,9 +86,11 @@ doTick :: MVar ValueMap -- pattern state
-> Maybe O.Udp -- network socket
-> (Time,Time) -- current arc
-> Double -- nudge
-> Clock.LinkOperations -- ableton link operations
-> Clock.ClockConfig -- config of the clock
-> Clock.ClockRef -- reference to the clock
-> (Link.SessionState, Link.SessionState) -- second session state is for keeping track of tempo changes
-> IO ()
doTick stateMV busMV playMV globalFMV cxs listen (st,end) nudge ops =
doTick stateMV busMV playMV globalFMV cxs listen (st,end) nudge cconf cref (ss, temposs) =
E.handle (\ (e :: E.SomeException) -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failed to Stream.doTick: " ++ show e
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Return to previous pattern."
Expand All @@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ doTick stateMV busMV playMV globalFMV cxs listen (st,end) nudge ops =
pMap <- readMVar playMV
busses <- readMVar busMV
sGlobalF <- readMVar globalFMV
bpm <- (Clock.getTempo ops)
bpm <- Clock.getTempo ss
patstack = sGlobalF $ playStack pMap
cps = ((Clock.beatToCycles ops) bpm) / 60
cps = ((Clock.beatToCycles cconf) $ fromRational bpm) / 60
sMap' = Map.insert "_cps" (VF $ coerce cps) sMap
extraLatency = nudge
-- First the state is used to query the pattern
Expand All @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ doTick stateMV busMV playMV globalFMV cxs listen (st,end) nudge ops =
-- Then it's passed through the events
(sMap'', es') = resolveState sMap' es
tes <- processCps ops es'
tes <- processCps cconf cref (ss, temposs) es'
-- For each OSC target
forM_ cxs $ \cx@(Cx target _ oscs _ _) -> do
-- Latency is configurable per target.
Expand All @@ -124,27 +124,29 @@ doTick stateMV busMV playMV globalFMV cxs listen (st,end) nudge ops =
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failed to send. Is the '" ++ oName target ++ "' target running? " ++ show e
putMVar stateMV sMap'')

processCps :: Clock.LinkOperations -> [Event ValueMap] -> IO [ProcessedEvent]
processCps ops = mapM processEvent
processCps :: Clock.ClockConfig -> Clock.ClockRef -> (Link.SessionState, Link.SessionState) -> [Event ValueMap] -> IO [ProcessedEvent]
processCps cconf cref (ss, temposs) = mapM processEvent
processEvent :: Event ValueMap -> IO ProcessedEvent
processEvent e = do
let wope = wholeOrPart e
partStartCycle = start $ part e
partStartBeat = (Clock.cyclesToBeat ops) (realToFrac partStartCycle)
partStartBeat = (Clock.cyclesToBeat cconf) (realToFrac partStartCycle)
onCycle = start wope
onBeat = (Clock.cyclesToBeat ops) (realToFrac onCycle)
onBeat = (Clock.cyclesToBeat cconf) (realToFrac onCycle)
offCycle = stop wope
offBeat = (Clock.cyclesToBeat ops) (realToFrac offCycle)
on <- (Clock.timeAtBeat ops) onBeat
onPart <- (Clock.timeAtBeat ops) partStartBeat
offBeat = (Clock.cyclesToBeat cconf) (realToFrac offCycle)
on <- Clock.timeAtBeat cconf ss onBeat
onPart <- Clock.timeAtBeat cconf ss partStartBeat
when (eventHasOnset e) (do
let cps' = Map.lookup "cps" (value e) >>= getF
maybe (return ()) (\newCps -> (Clock.setTempo ops) ((Clock.cyclesToBeat ops) (newCps * 60)) on) $ coerce cps'
maybe (return ()) (\newCps -> Clock.setTempoCPS newCps on cconf temposs) (fmap toRational cps')
off <- (Clock.timeAtBeat ops) offBeat
bpm <- (Clock.getTempo ops)
let cps = ((Clock.beatToCycles ops) bpm) / 60
off <- Clock.timeAtBeat cconf ss offBeat
bpm <- Clock.getTempo ss
wholeOrPartOsc <- Clock.linkToOscTime cref on
onPartOsc <- Clock.linkToOscTime cref onPart
let cps = ((Clock.beatToCycles cconf) $ fromRational bpm) / 60
let delta = off - on
return $! ProcessedEvent {
peHasOnset = eventHasOnset e,
Expand All @@ -153,9 +155,9 @@ processCps ops = mapM processEvent
peDelta = delta,
peCycle = onCycle,
peOnWholeOrPart = on,
peOnWholeOrPartOsc = (Clock.linkToOscTime ops) on,
peOnWholeOrPartOsc = wholeOrPartOsc,
peOnPart = onPart,
peOnPartOsc = (Clock.linkToOscTime ops) onPart
peOnPartOsc = onPartOsc

Expand All @@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ toOSC busses pe osc@(OSC _ _)
-- Only events that start within the current nowArc are included
playmsg | peHasOnset pe = do
-- If there is already cps in the event, the union will preserve that.
let extra = Map.fromList [("cps", (VF (coerce $! peCps pe))),
let extra = Map.fromList [("cps", (VF (peCps pe))),
("delta", VF (Clock.addMicrosToOsc (peDelta pe) 0)),
("cycle", VF (fromRational (peCycle pe)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,25 +285,16 @@ playStack pMap = stack . (map psPattern) . (filter active) . Map.elems $ pMap
hasSolo :: Map.Map k PlayState -> Bool
hasSolo = (>= 1) . length . filter psSolo . Map.elems

-- Used for Tempo callback
-- Tempo changes will be applied.
-- However, since the full arc is processed at once and since Link does not support
-- scheduling, tempo change may affect scheduling of events that happen earlier
-- in the normal stream (the one handled by onTick).
onSingleTick :: Config -> Clock.ClockRef -> MVar ValueMap -> MVar [Int] -> MVar PlayMap -> MVar (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern) -> [Cx] -> Maybe O.Udp -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
onSingleTick config clockRef stateMV busMV _ globalFMV cxs listen pat = do
ops <- Clock.getZeroedLinkOperations (cClockConfig config) clockRef
onSingleTick :: Clock.ClockConfig -> Clock.ClockRef -> MVar ValueMap -> MVar [Int] -> MVar PlayMap -> MVar (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern) -> [Cx] -> Maybe O.Udp -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
onSingleTick clockConfig clockRef stateMV busMV _ globalFMV cxs listen pat = do
pMapMV <- newMVar $ Map.singleton "fake"
(PlayState {psPattern = pat,
psMute = False,
psSolo = False,
psHistory = []
-- The nowArc is a full cycle
doTick stateMV busMV pMapMV globalFMV cxs listen (0,1) 0 ops

Clock.clockOnce (doTick stateMV busMV pMapMV globalFMV cxs listen) clockConfig clockRef

-- Used for Tempo callback
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/UI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,15 +67,13 @@ streamReplace stream k !pat = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Return to previous pattern."
setPreviousPatternOrSilence (sPMapMV stream)) (updatePattern stream k t pat)

-- = modifyMVar_ (sActionsMV s) (\actions -> return $ (T.StreamReplace k pat) : actions)

-- streamFirst but with random cycle instead of always first cicle
streamOnce :: Stream -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
streamOnce st p = do i <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, 8192)
streamFirst st $ rotL (toRational (i :: Int)) p

streamFirst :: Stream -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
streamFirst stream pat = onSingleTick (sConfig stream) (sClockRef stream) (sStateMV stream) (sBusses stream) (sPMapMV stream) (sGlobalFMV stream) (sCxs stream) (sListen stream) pat
streamFirst stream pat = onSingleTick (cClockConfig $ sConfig stream) (sClockRef stream) (sStateMV stream) (sBusses stream) (sPMapMV stream) (sGlobalFMV stream) (sCxs stream) (sListen stream) pat

streamMute :: Stream -> ID -> IO ()
streamMute s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {psMute = True})
Expand Down
129 changes: 59 additions & 70 deletions tidal-link/src/hs/Sound/Tidal/Clock.hs
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Expand Up @@ -56,29 +56,16 @@ data ClockConfig

-- | action to be executed on a tick,
-- | given the current timespan and nudge
-- | given the current timespan, nudge and reference to the clock
type TickAction
= (Time,Time) -> Double -> LinkOperations -> IO ()

-- | link operations for easy interaction with the clock
data LinkOperations
= LinkOperations
{timeAtBeat :: Link.Beat -> IO Link.Micros
,timeToCycles :: Link.Micros -> IO Time
,getTempo :: IO Link.BPM
,setTempo :: Link.BPM -> Link.Micros -> IO ()
,linkToOscTime :: Link.Micros -> O.Time
,beatToCycles :: CDouble -> CDouble
,cyclesToBeat :: CDouble -> CDouble
= (Time,Time) -> Double -> ClockConfig -> ClockRef -> (Link.SessionState, Link.SessionState) -> IO ()

-- | possible actions for interacting with the clock
data ClockAction
= NoAction
| SetCycle Time
| SetTempo Time
| SetNudge Double
deriving Show

defaultCps :: Double
defaultCps = 0.575
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,34 +174,19 @@ tick = do
-- hands the current link operations to the TickAction
clockProcess :: Clock ()
clockProcess = do
(ClockMemory config (ClockRef _ abletonLink) action) <- ask
(ClockMemory config ref@(ClockRef _ abletonLink) action) <- ask
st <- get
let logicalEnd = logicalTime config (start st) $ ticks st + 1
startCycle = arcEnd $ nowArc st

sessionState <- liftIO $ Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState abletonLink
endCycle <- liftIO $ timeToCycles' config sessionState logicalEnd

let st' = st {nowArc = (startCycle,endCycle)}

nowOsc <- O.time
nowLink <- liftIO $ Link.clock abletonLink
endCycle <- liftIO $ timeToCycles config sessionState logicalEnd

let ops = LinkOperations {
timeAtBeat = \beat -> Link.timeAtBeat sessionState beat (cQuantum config) ,
timeToCycles = timeToCycles' config sessionState,
getTempo = Link.getTempo sessionState,
setTempo = Link.setTempo sessionState,
linkToOscTime = \lt -> addMicrosToOsc (lt - nowLink) nowOsc,
beatToCycles = \beat -> beat / (cBeatsPerCycle config),
cyclesToBeat = \cyc -> cyc * (cBeatsPerCycle config)

liftIO $ action (nowArc st') (nudged st') ops
liftIO $ action (startCycle,endCycle) (nudged st) config ref (sessionState, sessionState)

liftIO $ Link.commitAndDestroyAppSessionState abletonLink sessionState

put st'
put (st {nowArc = (startCycle,endCycle)})

processAction :: ClockAction -> Clock ()
Expand All @@ -240,7 +212,7 @@ processAction (SetCycle cyc) = do
modify (\st -> st {ticks = 0, start = now, nowArc = (cyc,cyc)})

-------------------- helper functions -------------------------
----------- functions representing link operations ------------

arcStart :: (Time, Time) -> Time
Expand All @@ -249,8 +221,37 @@ arcStart = fst
arcEnd :: (Time, Time) -> Time
arcEnd = snd

timeToCycles' :: ClockConfig -> Link.SessionState -> Link.Micros -> IO Time
timeToCycles' config ss time = do
beatToCycles :: ClockConfig -> Double -> Double
beatToCycles config beat = beat / (coerce $ cBeatsPerCycle config)

cyclesToBeat :: ClockConfig -> Double -> Double
cyclesToBeat config cyc = cyc * (coerce $ cBeatsPerCycle config)

getSessionState :: ClockRef -> IO Link.SessionState
getSessionState (ClockRef _ abletonLink) = Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState abletonLink

-- onSingleTick assumes it runs at beat 0.
-- The best way to achieve that is to use forceBeatAtTime.
-- But using forceBeatAtTime means we can not commit its session state.
getZeroedSessionState :: ClockConfig -> ClockRef -> IO Link.SessionState
getZeroedSessionState config (ClockRef _ abletonLink) = do
ss <- Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState abletonLink
nowLink <- liftIO $ Link.clock abletonLink
Link.forceBeatAtTime ss 0 (nowLink + processAhead) (cQuantum config)
return ss
where processAhead = round $ (cProcessAhead config) * 1000000

getTempo :: Link.SessionState -> IO Time
getTempo ss = fmap toRational $ Link.getTempo ss

setTempoCPS :: Time -> Link.Micros -> ClockConfig -> Link.SessionState -> IO ()
setTempoCPS cps now conf ss = Link.setTempo ss (coerce $ cyclesToBeat conf ((fromRational cps) * 60)) now

timeAtBeat :: ClockConfig -> Link.SessionState -> Double -> IO Link.Micros
timeAtBeat config ss beat = Link.timeAtBeat ss (coerce beat) (cQuantum config)

timeToCycles :: ClockConfig -> Link.SessionState -> Link.Micros -> IO Time
timeToCycles config ss time = do
beat <- Link.beatAtTime ss time (cQuantum config)
return $! (toRational beat) / (toRational (cBeatsPerCycle config))

Expand All @@ -260,6 +261,12 @@ cyclesToTime config ss cyc = do
let beat = (fromRational cyc) * (cBeatsPerCycle config)
Link.timeAtBeat ss beat (cQuantum config)

linkToOscTime :: ClockRef -> Link.Micros -> IO O.Time
linkToOscTime (ClockRef _ abletonLink) lt = do
nowOsc <- O.time
nowLink <- liftIO $ Link.clock abletonLink
return $ addMicrosToOsc (lt - nowLink) nowOsc

addMicrosToOsc :: Link.Micros -> O.Time -> O.Time
addMicrosToOsc m t = ((fromIntegral m) / 1000000) + t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,42 +295,10 @@ getCycleTime :: ClockConfig -> ClockRef -> IO Time
getCycleTime config (ClockRef _ abletonLink) = do
now <- Link.clock abletonLink
ss <- Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState abletonLink
c <- timeToCycles' config ss now
c <- timeToCycles config ss now
Link.destroySessionState ss
return $! c

-- onSingleTick assumes it runs at beat 0.
-- The best way to achieve that is to use forceBeatAtTime.
-- But using forceBeatAtTime means we can not commit its session state.
-- Another session state, which we will commit,
-- is introduced to keep track of tempo changes.
getZeroedLinkOperations :: ClockConfig -> ClockRef -> IO LinkOperations
getZeroedLinkOperations config (ClockRef _ abletonLink) = do
sessionState <- Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState abletonLink
zeroedSessionState <- Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState abletonLink

nowOsc <- O.time
nowLink <- Link.clock abletonLink

Link.forceBeatAtTime zeroedSessionState 0 (nowLink + processAhead) (cQuantum config)

Link.commitAndDestroyAppSessionState abletonLink sessionState
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Could this be the source of the bug? We are running commitAndDestroy immediately - before the IO where the session states are used. Compare to clockProcess where I understand we first process the arc using liftIO, then we run commitAndDestroy.

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The suggestion in could be applied here. The callback would invoke both destroy functions.

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hmm yes that makes sense, the callback is probably a good idea! thanks!

Link.destroySessionState zeroedSessionState

return $ LinkOperations {
timeAtBeat = \beat -> Link.timeAtBeat zeroedSessionState beat (cQuantum config),
timeToCycles = timeToCycles' config zeroedSessionState,
getTempo = Link.getTempo zeroedSessionState,
setTempo = \bpm micros ->
Link.setTempo zeroedSessionState bpm micros >>
Link.setTempo sessionState bpm micros,
linkToOscTime = \lt -> addMicrosToOsc (lt - nowLink) nowOsc,
beatToCycles = \beat -> beat / (cBeatsPerCycle config),
cyclesToBeat = \cyc -> cyc * (cBeatsPerCycle config)
where processAhead = round $ (cProcessAhead config) * 1000000

resetClock :: ClockRef -> IO ()
resetClock clock = setClock clock 0

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,6 +327,20 @@ setNudge (ClockRef clock _) n = atomically $ do
NoAction -> modifyTVar' clock (const $ SetNudge n)
_ -> retry

-- Used for Tempo callback
-- Tempo changes will be applied.
-- However, since the full arc is processed at once and since Link does not support
-- scheduling, tempo change may affect scheduling of events that happen earlier
-- in the normal stream (the one handled by onTick).
clockOnce :: TickAction -> ClockConfig -> ClockRef -> IO ()
clockOnce action config ref@(ClockRef _ abletonLink) = do
ss <- getZeroedSessionState config ref
temposs <- Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState abletonLink
-- The nowArc is a full cycle
action (0,1) 0 config ref (ss, temposs)
Link.destroySessionState ss
Link.commitAndDestroyAppSessionState abletonLink temposs

disableLink :: ClockRef -> IO ()
disableLink (ClockRef _ abletonLink) = Link.disable abletonLink

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tidal-link/tidal-link.cabal
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 2.4
name: tidal-link
version: 1.0.3
version: 1.0.4
synopsis: Ableton Link integration for Tidal
-- description:
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tidal.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ library
, random < 1.3
, exceptions < 0.11
, mtl >= 2.2
, tidal-link == 1.0.3
, tidal-link == 1.0.4

test-suite tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Expand Down