This is a WIP of a driver to support taking a scan using the NIR Nano spectrometer by TI
In order to use these scripts, the DLPSpectrumLibrary will need to be installed, and compiled. These python scripts require a dynamic library to be compiled, which is then wrapped using the python ctypes library. This dynamic library can be compiled using the following steps on MacOS
gcc -c -DTPL_NOLIB -Wall dlpspec.c dlpspec_scan.c dlpspec_calib.c dlpspec_util.c tpl.c dlpspec_scan_col.c dlpspec_scan_had.c dlpspec_helper.c
clang -dynamiclib -o libtest.dylib dlpspec.o dlpspec_scan.o dlpspec_calib.o dlpspec_util.o tpl.o dlpspec_scan_had.o dlpspec_scan_col.o dlpspec_helper.o
rm *.o
Currently, the full path is referred to in
It is reccomended to run the scripts using a venv, where all the requirements from the requirements.txt
can be installed independently of other Python installations on the machine
This program uses a complete CLI to make directories in the sesame-0000000000000xxx format, create a matching repo on the physcomplab git organisation, and facilitate the logging of data from: Spectrometers, CISSs, and (In Progress, warp via the jlink library).
Example command:
python --create_repo --logging_level deBug --directory_index 17 log --ciss /dev/tty.usbmodem144210 --ciss /dev/tty.usbmodem144211 --spectrometer 0 --timeout_mins 1
The first three parameters are used to setup the repo. This currently creates the folder within the current directory, in this case, it will create a repote repo on github, and commit the readme as the first commit. The directory index created the folder name in the designated format, and the logging level is set.
The log
command starts the log part of the program, now the settings for a repo have been defined.
Here, two CISS devices are initalised (With the relevant com port passed as a parameter for each),
and the spectrometer initialised, with the s/n set to zero. This will work for one spectrometer, and a serial number
can be passed if working with more than one device (untested).
Note: This has currently not been tested on a fresh install. I forsee some errors with: git not being installed on the system / setup with a default user multiple devices - Handles read and writes to the spectrometer using the NIRscan USB protocol - Completes a scan on the spectrometer - converts the .dat from into a json object.
For information on the scan workflow; look at section 5.2.1 of the DLP® NIRscan™ Nano EVM User's Guide.
For information on the USB commands; refer to section H.1 of the DLP® NIRscan™ Nano EVM User's Guide.
Details on ctrl_transfer
in the PyUSB
Details on writing / reading:
USB communication example for another product using python/PyUSB:
Cython HIDAPI: After much experimentation, this has been used instead of PyUSB. This library works on MacOS, and provides a more simple interface with the HID device type.