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adds tf_split/combine for functional fragments
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fabian-s committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent 86f83df commit 622c337
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ export(tf_approx_none)
Expand All @@ -203,6 +204,7 @@ export(tf_rebase)
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126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions R/split-combine.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
#' Split / Combine functional fragments
#' `tf_split` separates each function into a vector of functions defined on a sub-interval of
#' its domain, either with overlap at the cut points or without.
#' @param x a `tf` object
#' @param splits numeric vector containing `arg`-values at which to split
#' @param include which of the end points defined by `splits` to include in each
#' of the resulting split functions. Defaults to `"both"`, other options are "`left`" or
#' "`right`". See examples.
#' @return for `tf_split`: a list of `tf` objects
#' @export
#' @rdname tfsplitcombine
#' @examples
#' x <- tfd(1:100, arg = 1:100)
#' tf_split(x, splits = c(20, 80))
#' tf_split(x, splits = c(20, 80), include = "left")
#' tf_split(x, splits = c(20, 80), include = "right")
tf_split <- function(x, splits, include = c("both", "left", "right")) {
lower = tf_domain(x)[1],
upper = tf_domain(x)[2],
any.missing = FALSE, sorted = TRUE, unique = TRUE)
include <- match.arg(include)
resolution_x <- get_resolution(tf_arg(x))
# if user supplied domain limit(s), remove
if (splits[1] == tf_domain(x)[1]) {
splits <- splits[-1]
if (splits[length(splits)] == tf_domain(x)[2]) {
splits <- splits[-length(splits)]

start <- c(tf_domain(x)[1], splits)
end <- c(splits, tf_domain(x)[2])
if (include == "left") {
end[1:(length(end) -1)] <- head(end, -1) - resolution_x
if (include == "right") {
start[-1] <- start[-1] + resolution_x

map2(start, end, \(a, b) tf_zoom(x, begin = a, end = b))

#' @description
#' `tf_combine` joins functional fragments together to create longer (or more densely evaluated) functions.
#' @param ... `tf`-objects of identical lengths to combine
#' @param strict only combine functions whose argument ranges do not overlap,
#' are given in the correct order & contain no duplicate values at identical arguments?
#' defaults to `FALSE`. By default, only the first function value at duplicate locations
#' are used, the rest are discarded (with a warning).
#' @return for `tf_combine`: a `tfd` with the combined subfunctions on the union of the input `tf_arg`-values
#' @export
#' @rdname tfsplitcombine
#' @examples
#' x <- tf_rgp(5)
#' tfs <- tf_split(x, splits = c(.2, .6))
#' x2 <- tf_combine(tfs[[1]], tfs[[2]], tfs[[3]])
#' # tf_combine(tfs[[1]], tfs[[2]], tfs[[3]], strict = TRUE) # errors out!
#' all.equal(x, x2)
#' # combine works for different input types:
#' tfs2_sparse <- tf_sparsify(tfs[[2]])
#' tfs3_spline <- tfb(tfs[[3]])
#' tf_combine(tfs[[1]], tfs2_sparse, tfs3_spline)

tf_combine <- function(..., strict = FALSE) {
tfs <- list(...)
map(tfs, assert_tf)
sizes <- map_int(tfs, vec_size)
if (!all(duplicated(sizes)[-1])) {
cli::cli_abort("can't {.fun tf_combine} objects of different sizes")
size <- sizes[1]

if (strict) {
# assert arg ranges in tfs at each vector position are strictly ordered
args <- map(tfs,
function(x) tf_arg(x) |> ensure_list())
irreg <- map(args, length) != 1
if (any(irreg)) {
args <- map_if(args, !irreg, \(x) replicate(size, x))

arg_mins <-, map_depth(args, pluck_depth(args) - 1, min))
arg_maxs <-, map_depth(args, pluck_depth(args) - 1, max))

min_overlap <- apply(arg_mins, 1, \(x) is.unsorted(as.numeric(x)))
max_overlap <- apply(arg_maxs, 1, \(x) is.unsorted(as.numeric(x)))
if( any(min_overlap) || any(max_overlap) ) {
cli::cli_abort("{.fun tf_arg}-ranges of input data are not strictly ordered.")

domains <-, map(tfs, tf_domain))
new_domain <- c(min(domains[, 1]), max(domains[, 2]))
tfs <- map(tfs,
function(x) {
suppressWarnings(tf_domain(x) <- new_domain)
# TODO: add check for names and reuse for output if identical? map(tfs, names) |> reduce(identical)
tfs_data <-,
map(tfs, \(x) {
names(x) <- seq_along(x)

duplicates <- which(duplicated(tfs_data[, -3])) #check for multiple values at some id&arg
if (length(duplicates)) {
if (strict) {
cli::cli_abort("can't combine functions with multiple values at same argument.")
cli::cli_alert_warning("removing {length(duplicates)} duplicated points from input data.")
tfs_data <- tfs_data[-duplicates, ]

tfd(tfs_data, domain = new_domain)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/utils.R
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Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ assert_arg_vector <- function(arg, x, check_unique = TRUE) {
# rounded down to the nearest decimal
get_resolution <- function(arg) {
.min_diff <- function(x) {
suppressWarnings(ifelse(length(x) - 1, min(diff(x)), x[1]))
suppressWarnings(ifelse(length(x) - 1, min(abs(diff(x))), x[1]))
min_diff <- map_dbl(ensure_list(arg),
possibly(.f = .min_diff, otherwise = NA)) |>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/zoom.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,6 @@ tf_zoom.tfb <- function(f, begin = tf_domain(f)[1], end = tf_domain(f)[2],
#' @export
tf_zoom.tfb_fpc <- function(f, begin = tf_domain(f)[1], end = tf_domain(f)[2],
...) {
cli::cli_warn("Zoomed-in FPC representation will lose orthonormality of FPC basis.")
cli::cli_warn("FPC basis no longer orthonormal on sub-domain.")
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions man/tfsplitcombine.Rd

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80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-split-combine.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@

test_that("tf_split works as expected", {
x <- tf_rgp(3)
x_i <- tf_jiggle(x) |> tf_sparsify()
x_sp <- tfb(x, verbose = FALSE)
x_pc <- tfb_fpc(x, verbose = FALSE)

tfs <- tf_split(x, splits = c(.3, .5))
expect_list(tfs, types = "tfd_reg", len = 3)

tfs_i <- tf_split(x_i, splits = c(.3, .5))
expect_list(tfs_i, types = "tfd_irreg", len = 3)

tfs_sp <- tf_split(x_sp, splits = c(.3, .5))
expect_list(tfs_sp, types = "tfb_spline", len = 3)

tfs_pc <- suppressWarnings(tf_split(x_pc, splits = c(.3, .5)))
expect_list(tfs_pc, types = "tfb_fpc", len = 3)

tf_split(x, splits = c(0, .3, .5, 1)))

expect_error(tf_split(x, splits = c(.3, .5, 2)),
"<= 1")
expect_error(tf_split(x, splits = c(-2, .3, .5)),
">= 0")

tfs_l <- tf_split(x, splits = c(.3), include = "left")
expect_identical(map(tfs_l, tf_domain), list(c(0, .299), c(.3, 1)))

tfs_r <- tf_split(x, splits = c(.3), include = "right")
expect_identical(map(tfs_r, tf_domain), list(c(0, .3), c(.301, 1)))

test_that("tf_combine works as expected", {
x <- tf_rgp(3)
x_i <- tf_jiggle(x) |> tf_sparsify()
x_sp <- tfb(x, verbose = FALSE)
x_pc <- tfb_fpc(x, verbose = FALSE)

expect_identical(x,, tf_split(x, c(.3), "left")))
expect_identical(x_i,, tf_split(x_i, c(.3), "left")))

expect_equal(tfd(x_sp),, tf_split(x_sp, c(.3), "left")),
tolerance = 1e-3)

expect_equal(tfd(x_pc),, tf_split(x_pc, c(.3), "left") |>
tolerance = 1e-5)

expect_identical(, tf_split(x, .3)) |> suppressMessages(),, rev(tf_split(x, .3)))|> suppressMessages())

expect_error(, c(tf_split(x, .3), strict = TRUE)),
"multiple values")

expect_class(tf_combine(x, tf_jiggle(x)),

expect_error(tf_combine(x, tf_jiggle(x), strict = TRUE),
"not strictly ordered")

tfs <- tf_split(x, splits = c(.2, .6), include = "left")
tfs2_sparse <- tf_sparsify(tfs[[2]])
tfs3_spline <- tfb(tfs[[3]], verbose = FALSE)
expect_class(tf_combine(tfs[[1]], tfs2_sparse, tfs3_spline), "tfd_irreg")
expect_equal(tf_combine(tfs[[1]], tfs2_sparse, tfs3_spline) |> tf_domain(),
c(0, 1))

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/testthat/test-zoom.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ test_that("tf_zoom for tfb_spline works", {

test_that("tf_zoom for tfb_fpc works", {
tf_zoom(xfpc, 0.2, 0.8), "orthonormality of FPC basis"
tf_zoom(xfpc, 0.2, 0.8), "no longer orthonormal"
tf_domain(suppressWarnings(tf_zoom(xfpc, 0.2, 0.8))),
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