An implementation of fmt.parseFloat for zig.
This is intended to be a robust, fast and accurate float parser to replace the existing code in std.
For a detail on the methods used, see:
A good corpus of test data can be found at:
This is a fairly direct port of dec2flt found in the rust tree:
This was chosen for a few reasons, but primarily because the concepts map fairly well to Zig and a lot of the work here has been backported to the reference C++ implementation.
The main entrypoint is parseFloat(comptime T: type, s: []const u8) !T
This function will:
- Parse the number into mantissa/exponent/negative a. If the number was special (nan/inf), return immediately b. If the number could not be parsed, returns an error
- Attempt to convert via a fast path, where the mantissa/exponent is directly representable by a machine-sized float.
- If not succesful, attempt to convert using the eisel-lemire algorithm. This will work for ~99% of cases.
- If not succesful, convert using a big decimal type. This will always be work.
This repo vendors
cmake -B build simple_fastfloat_benchmark
cmake --build build
If you make changes to the zig parseFloat function in this repo. Perform the following to update the benchmark program.
./update_zig_ftoa_benchmark_lib # Update the vendored library
cmake --build build
Before merging, complete the following:
- Allow underscores according to zig spec in floating point literals
- support for hex-floats in parseFloat directly (currently uses parseHexFloat separate function).
- Fix eisel-lemire algorithm for f16 (1 in 5 million test cases failing).
- Consider f128 support mechanism. Likely push back to a later commit.
Implemented in