CatManga is a website to read manga, built with Nextjs and Tailwind.
Client github repo: Comic-Fe
Server github repo: Comic-Be
- Back-end:
- Framework: Nodejs, Express.
- Libraries: Firebase Admin, Axios.
- Language: Javascript.
Here is some screenshots to show how the website would looks like.
And here is Demo
Login with google, facebook account.✔️Navbottom for mobile.✔️Footer, Header.✔️Skeleton loading/✔️Restyle InfoScreen.✔️More compatible with mobile devices.️️ ✔️Save user's chapters and bookmarks.✔️- Comments. ⏳ In processing
- Mobile platform. ⏲ Coming soon
- Deploy to aws or DigitalOceane.
- Has own domain.
- Deploy mobile platform to CH Play and App Store.