is a utility class that makes working with the 2D Canvas API (CanvasRenderingContext2D
) easier.
The Staffelei
class extends the Leinwand
. Thus you get all the method chaining goodness
form there. Additionally Staffelei
provides more utilify methods, event handeling, as well as multi layer canvases.
There are two ways to use Staffelei. Either you use it in the same way as Leinwand
Simply as a wrapper around a canvas.
Or you also use it to manage layers.
In the first case (called simple
-mode) you'd do something like this:
import Staffelei from 'staffelei';
const Staffelei = require('staffelei');
let s = new Staffelei(document.getElementById('myCanvas'));
Where the element with the id myCanvas
is a canvas.
If you want to use the layers you use layered
let s = new Staffelei(document.getElementById('myContainer'), { mode: 'layered' ,
width: 500 ,
height: 500 });
.fillRectCenteredAt(200,200, 20, 30)
In this case the element with the id myContainer
is the element (e.g. a div) in which the canvas will be placed by Staffelei.
All the methods from Leinwand
are available.
This registers an eventlistener. The available events are:
Events with synonyms |
mouseup |
mousedown |
mousemove |
mouseover , mousein |
mouseleave , mouseout |
click |
leftclick |
contextmenu , rightclick |
so for example if you want to draw a square where a user clicks on the canvas:
s.on('click', e => {
The event object you get for all of the events looks like this:
Property | Description |
x | the x coordinate of the event relative to the canvas |
y | the y coordinate of the event relative to the canvas |
target | the canvas the event belongs to (The target you passed into the constructor) |
event | the original DOM event emitted on the eventSource |
button | the button property from the event |
preventDefault | a function that calles preventDefault on the event |
like s.on except the listener
is only called once.
Returns true if the mouse button with button number button
is currently down. button
defaults to 1 which is the left mouse button.
Since this method does not need any state from the Staffelei object it can also be called staticaly like Staffelei.isMouseDown(button)
These methods only work when Staffelei is used in layered
-mode and will throw an Error
if used in simple
Creates a new layer with the name name
and the position
in the stack of layers.
Also sets the newly created layer as the current layer.
Switch the current layer to the layer with the name name
. If no layer with that name exists this throws an Error
Enter fullscreen.
Exist fullscreen.
The easiest way to use Staffelei is to use the npm package and the use it with some tool like browserify or rollup.
If you'd rather just get a .js
file you can download it from the releases page. There are two versions available there. One built with rollup and one built with browserify.
The rollup version is smaller but the browserify version is probably more compatible with older browsers since more of the code has been transpiled.
- 2018-05-06 v0.1.1 documentation
- 2018-02-23 v0.1.0 add layer management
- 2018-02-09 v0.0.1 initial version