You can run the uber jar for the multi threaded consumer like this
java -classpath target/HelloKafka-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.tilogaat.kafka.ConsumerGroupExample W.X.Y.Z tilo-group1 observations.json 3 true > filem2.txt
The arguments are as follows: 1.Zookeeper URL 2. consumer group id as a string 3. topic name 4. number of threads 5. true/false to turn logging of messages on
java -classpath target/HelloKafka-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.tilogaat.kafka.SimpleExample 1000000 observations.json 0 localhost 9092 > files2.txt
- Total number of messages to be read
- topic
- partition id
- seed broker
- port number