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What is a cookie?

tim-hr edited this page Oct 19, 2016 · 1 revision


  • defined in an RFC(todo) in 1997, as an extension of the HTTP protocol(todo)
  • "Cookie" HTTP header
  • key-value pairs
  • sent with every HTTP request
  • the primary way to get around HTTP's stateless nature
  • scoped by subdomain
  • can be set to expire

How is it used?

  • remembering stateful information, e.g. items in a shopping cart or previously entered items in a form field
  • implementing sessions. For example, an encrypted session id can be stored in the cookie.
  • generally, storing any client-specific data
  • user tracking across sites


  • They only store up to around 4KB
  • you can encrypt them but it's safer to just use them to store an id, keyed to fetch the full user info, server-side
  • you can relax the scoping to just the domain to share cookies between subdomains, this is one way to get a poor man's SSO(todo)
  • setting them to never expire is often a security risk
  • since they're sent with every request, they can waste bandwidth
  • can fix this by putting static assets on a separate subdomain or domain

See also

  • HTTP protocol
  • stateless design
  • same-origin policy
  • sessions
  • single-sign-on