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Note: Some of the public WAF regular expressions out there are probably vulnerable to ReDoS. If you want to play, is a decent playground but you want to keep the number of steps as low as possible.
(see also UNIX)
c:\Program Files
c:\Program Files (x86)
c:\Documents and Settings
find /path/to/check -iname "*log4j*"
grep -rq log4j /path/to/check && echo log4j matches
find /path/to/check \( -iname "*.?ar" -o -iname "*.zip" \) | while read line; do echo $line; jar tvf $line | grep -i log4j; done
find /path/to/check \( -iname "*.tar.bz2" -o -iname "*.tar.bz2" \) | while read line; do echo $line; tar tvf $line | grep -i log4j; done
Running the rules:
yara -r yara/log4j.yara /path/to/check
Example here:
- log4jball.yara - Hunts for references to Log4J balls
- log4jjavaclass.yara - Hunts for references to Log4J java in class form
- log4jjavasrc.yara - Hunts for references to Log4J java in source form
- log4jimport.yara - Hunts for references to Log4J imports
- log4jJndiLookup.yara - Hunts for references to Log4J JndiLookup