Between the two abberations contained in this repo, you get about 1100 lines of inpenetrable bash supported by my otherwise unrelated 1100 line shared.bash lib.
The slightly sane example, bloom-files is something for you distributed file-system ops people to figure out since you it manages at least the A in ACID :) by filling file-system 'slack space' with symlinks and subdirectories that can encode huge numbers.
bloom-files is also fun to read since it uses four concurrent bash pipes to pump data.
This slightly crazy example lets you watch a bloom filter fill up using an image viewer instead of file-system tools. It can do monochrome and color compressed into png's so that you could give an image like this someone so that your system would remember what they know when they upload the image again. Neato! :)
Created in Emacs using Outshine, then exported from a literate org-mode file. Uses openssl hmac mode for hashes, imagemagic for the pngs, Optionally feh, ristretto and jumpapp for visualization.
Please scan the code ahead of time and fill-in the path near the top of these scripts. You want output to go to ram or another temp-storage or things could get crowded.
Send feedback if you survive your encounter with this code!