is a Ruby implementation of the freer
Haskell package. The general idea is to represent effects as values and use interpreters to translate these effects into actual side-effects. See the paper Freer Monads, More Extensible Effects for details.
I mainly developed this gem in order to get a deeper understanding of freer monads. It is not (yet) meant to be used in production code. This will hopefully change since I believe the underlying idea(s) are worth exploring outside of toy examples.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ruby_effects'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install ruby_effects
Defining custom effects consists of three parts:
- Coming up with types which represent the effects.
- Wrapping the classes into the freer monad.
- Writing custom effect handlers for these types.
Assume you want to create a DSL for a key-value store similar to Redis using ruby_effects
In order to represent the operation GET
you create a new Ruby class named Get
class Get
attr_reader :key
def initialize(key)
@key = key
That's just an ordinary Ruby class and the value"foo")
represents asking
the store for the value of key "foo"
This alone isn't very useful since there's currently no way to combine these values in
a meaningful way.
For example in order to get a value from the key-value store, count its length, write it back to the
store and return the length back to the caller, we'd like to write:
def count_foos_length
get("foo").bind do |value|
set("foo_length", value.size).bind do |_| # Eff::Freer.return(value) would be equivalent
Hint: Read bind
as "and then" and this makes more sense.
In order to get there we need to embed our types into the freer monad which provides
a way to compose different effects using bind
The definition of get
looks like this:
def get(key), -> (value) { })
This might look scary, but it's actually pretty intuitive. The freer monad consists
of two variants: Pure
represents a pure value and the end of a computation.
represents an ongoing computation. The first part of that computation is the effect value (
and the second part is the continuation (aka what should happen next after
has been
So, reading it from left to right: Create a computation represented by
after handling that computation pass the result of that computation to
signals the end of the computation.
This boilerplate of embedding your custom types can be avoided by using Eff.send
which expands
to the code above. The final defintions of get
and set
look like this:
def get(key)
def set(key, value)
Eff.send, value)
And that's it. Now you can combine get
and set
however you like using bind
Speaking of bind
: All it does is extending the continuation. If we apply the definition
of bind
to count_foos_length
we end up with something like this:
def count_foos_length"foo"),
-> (v1) {"foo_length", v1.size),
-> (v2) {
So far the (combined) effects are simple objects in memory. Calling count_foos_length
is completely side-effect free.
In order to define how an effect is to be interpreted we use Eff::EffectHandler
and its DSL. on_impure
takes the class of the effect you want to handle and a
block which specifies what to do with that value:
redis =
def run_redis(effect)
# Construct the effect handler using
# chained on_impure calls for each
# effect type.
handler =
# This `on_impure` block gets called if
# the effect is of type `Get`. The passed in
# parameters are the two parameters of `Impure`,
# namely:
# * `g` is the effect value, an object of class `Get`
# * `cont` is the continuation
.on_impure(Get) do |g, cont|
value = redis.get(g.key)
# Pass retrieved value to
# the continuation
.on_impure(Set) do |s, cont|
redis.set(s.key, s.value)
# Setting doesn't return anything,
# so call continuation with nil.
# Actually run the handler on the effect.
Running an effect returns another freer monad with the specified effect types handled. In order
to escape the freer monad you need to call
at the end.
That's all there is to implement a DSL for a key-value store. You now have a way to describe arbitrary operations
on a key-value store and can interpret the programs in any way you like.
For the full implementation see examples/redis.rb
. This example also contains a pure handler
which uses a simple hash map as the store instead of a running redis instance. That's pretty useful for
testing purposes. It would also be pretty easy to adding logging or in-memory caching without polluting
the implementation.
For further inspiration take a look at the examples/
Dependency Injection (DI) is a useful tool to accomplish separation of concerns and making code testable in the presence of side-effects. Passing objects down the call stack is not fun and leads to accidental complexity, though.
When representing effects as values you avoid these drawbacks, make your code pure and still accomplish separation of concerns through effect handlers. For example: You could add logging and caching to your effect handlers at the boundary while your core application remains unchanged.
No do notation: There's no do notation in Ruby to get rid of the nested bind
calls which remind one of callback hell. There exists do_notation
, but it is no longer maintained. Using method_source
in combination with ruby_parser
might be an alternative to get the same features. I'm currently working on it at ruby_monad
Performance: It's pretty slow right now for a large number of chained effects.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.