Reduces boilerplate for bootstrapping and configuration by abstracting common tasks to a simple api. Used by Fusionary's Craft CMS Boilerplate.
- Reduces your app bootstrap boilerplate code to a single chainable statement.
- This is especially helpful for achieving consistency when dealing with multiple access points (e.g. multi-site, console app)
- Sets PHP constants, with sensible fallbacks.
- Gracefully loads .env file environment variables.
or any configuration files
- Retrieves environment variables with fallbacks and content-aware type conversion. For example:
export MY_BOOL=true
export MY_INT=3
- Provides access to HTTP request headers (via
), should your configuration rely on it. - Provides method to map your entire config to any matching/prefixed environment variables.
- For example,
from environment
- For example,
"php": ">=7.1.0",
"craftcms/cms": "^3.0.0-RC1",
composer require fusionary/craftcms-bootstrap
Class Reference / API Documentation
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
->setDepth(2) // Set the depth of this script from your project root (`CRAFT_BASE_PATH`) to determine paths
->setSite('site-handle') // If the containing folder matches the site handle, you could dynamically set this with `basename(__DIR__)`
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
exit(Bootstrap::run('console')->setDepth(0)->run()); // Override the default depth of 1, since this script is in `@root`.
Passing your config through Config::mapMultiEnvConfig
or Config::mapConfig
will map all settings to corresponding environment variables (if they exist).
Settings are converted from their Craft/PHP versions (camel-case) to their environment variable versions (all-caps, snake-case, prefixed — e.g. CRAFT_, DB_).
e.g. @root/config/general.php
// Example environment:
use fusionary\craftcms\bootstrap\helpers\Config;
return Config::mapMultiEnvConfig([
'*' => [
'allowAutoUpdates' => true,
'someOtherSetting' => 'foo',
// Example: get HTTP header from request
'devServerProxy' => Config::getHeader('x-dev-server-proxy') ?? false,
'production' => [
'allowAutoUpdates' => false,
// Result:
// return [
// '*' => [
// 'allowAutoUpdates' => true,
// 'someOtherSetting' => 'foo'
// ],
// 'production' => [
// 'allowAutoUpdates' => true
// ]
// ];
e.g. @root/config/db.php
// Example environment:
// export DB_DRIVER=mysql
// export DB_SERVER=mysql
// export DB_USER=my_app_user
// export DB_PASSWORD=secret
// export DB_DATABASE=my_app_production
// export DB_SCHEMA=public
use fusionary\craftcms\bootstrap\helpers\Config;
// Pass prefix as 2nd argument, defaults to 'CRAFT_'
return Config::mapConfig([
'driver' => null,
'server' => null,
'user' => null,
'password' => null,
'database' => null,
'schema' => null,
], 'DB_');
// Result:
// return [
// 'driver' => 'mysql',
// 'server' => 'mysql',
// 'user' => 'my_app_user',
// 'password' => 'secret',
// 'database' => 'my_app_production',
// 'schema' => 'public',
// ]
composer run-script build-docs
"Boot" icon by Ben Davis from The Noun Project