Common code used for the interactive sound installation The Cave of Sounds ( This includes
- KinectStreamer - A cinder app to read skeletal information of a user from a Kinect (using OpenNI), extract musical parameters and send these via OSC. This was used on the instruments Wind and Campanology.
- TadeoStreamer - A variation of KinectStreamer with Trigger zones, created for Tadeo's Generative Net Sampler instrument.
- The Stabilizer - The central software coordinating communication and cohesion between the instruments of the installation, written in Python against PySide and TwistedOsc.
- The Visualization - A particle system visualising relationships between the instruments, written in C++ against Cinder/OpenGL/GLSL.
Cinder projects are built against Cinder 0.84. The Kinect-based programs are dependent upon BlockOpenNI which is forked here: available here:
It is set up for the following folder structure
.../cinder_0.8.4 (as downloaded from
. / blocks
. . / BlockOpenNI (from, multidevices branch)
. / boost (version 1.48, might need to be downloaded separately from )
. / KinectStreamer
. / (this file)
Tim Murray-Browne
Feb-Apr 2013, Mar 2014