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Screengrab of app's catalog homepage

Project Summary

This web app has the basic capabilities neccessary to manage the catalog of a library of books.

Following instructions from The Odin Project and a detailed tutorial from MDN Web Docs, I learned how to create a full stack web application from start to finish.

Project Details

I learned the following from this tutorial:

  1. The Express Web Framework
  2. How to setup a Node development environment
  3. Using a database to store my app's data
  4. How to setup a CRUD interface for a web app
  5. MVC architecture
  6. Working with forms
  7. Deploying my app to production

I used the following technologies to complete my app:

  • Node.js - javascript runtime
  • Express - web application framwork
  • EJS - plain javascript templating language
  • MongoDB - NoSQL databse
  • Heroku - cloud platform as a service
  • Git - version control system

While this tutorial had detailed explanations and provided the code to build the core components of the local library application, I implemented the following functionalities on my own:

  • Deleting a book
  • Updating an author
  • Deleting a genre
  • Updating a genre
  • Deleting a book instance
  • Updating a book instance
  • Formatting the date for user input

I used the following resources to help me create this:

Additional Images

Create Book Form

Screengrab of app's book create form

All Bookinstances

Screengrab of app's all bookinstances list