Releases: tine-groupware/tine
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
0b7f3e1 feature(php): php 8.3 is now fully supported
eb738ee feature(MatrixSynapseIntegrator/Corporal): manage user lifecycle via corporal
2d0a931 feature(MatrixSynapseIntegrator/UserEditDialog): add matrix ID and active fields
78fbfbf fix(Admin): cound not send sms
d2ed7fc fix(Felamimail/Message): detech strict encoding from msg message
ac4ad11 fix(Tinebase) periodpicker darkmode
6ba66cd fix(Timetracker) edit dialog does not close
fb31e4b fix(SSO/SAML): replace get_class() with self::class
5a8fbb9 fix(Felamimail/js): search all contacts from mass mail action
22f1902 fix(Tinebase) filtering for empty foreign records not working
3ea51f5 fix(HumanResources/Export): export empployee with custom fields
e2e0de2 fix(Addressbook) expanded sites got not delivered on adb.searchContacts
756a141 fix(Tinebase): client side grouping not working for record fields
5a2d4a1 fix(Tinebase): make new filters working in adb
2e8c347 fix(Tinebase/Import): fix plugin config of some definitions
675d086 fix(Calendar): resolving rrule events is missing base event for tags
118c108 fix(Tinebase): Show correct year for week 1 in period picker
f7b2a07 tweak(Tinebase) change record.copy() implementation
0e6ea60 tweak(Tinebase/Frontend/Cli): check if demo data class exists
b226769 tweak(Tinebase+Timetracker/DemoData): improve demo data creation
d7d3388 tweak(Tinebase/Export): ignore acl when fetching user contact for twig
443cd57 tweak(Felamimail/Backend): fix header encoding adjustment
dc6fc92 tweak(tb) fix tests re property feature switch
ea86959 tweak(Tinebase): allow field feature config to be for different app
b5e2a91 tweak(Adb Contact) make groups property writeable)
87e352e tweak(Adb Contact) contact group properties acl fix
615192f tweak(Adb) list controller get/removeHiddenMembers optimazation
6fedd7b tweak(Course/js): hide add new member action
840f86d tweak(Tinebase): meaningful emptyText for site pickers
770f930 tweak(Adb Contact) contact group properties acl fix
c32204b tweak(Admin/Import/User): add emailForwardOnly and generatePolicyConformPassword
134e79f tweak(TB Numberable) fix missing update script case
dbda071 tweak(Calender/js && css): separation between events
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
b5feef0 fix(Filemanager/js): preview tinebase node from message compose dialog
ed4b97b fix(Calendar): event event_types definedBy filter not working
f892015 fix(Addressbook/js): improve mailinglist email validation
60a49cd fix(Timetracker/Timesheet): recreate invoice position sfter update cleared timesheet
f252a65 fix(Calendar): event_types not resolved for reccuring events
99fca23 fix(Calendar): event_type filter broken
4ecfea6 fix(HumanResources): can not add freeTime over freeTimePlaningGrid
50a4dae fix(Sales/js): autofill payment means from existing customer
d528b54 fix(Filemanager/js): remove duplicated signature from sendAsMail action
728a6d5 fix(Tinebase/EmailUser): allow user email update if not managed
5346006 fix(Inventory/Type): add fulltext index to description
3fd1cb5 fix(Tinebase/WebDav): skip avscan for new webdav uploaded file
635493c fix(OOI/js): remove deprecated before close event
bacd0e7 tweak(Calendar): detect new/add row correctly
f92757a tweak(Tinebase): emptyText not translated
ab43e35 tweak(Sales/DemoData): add some error handling to demo data creation
b4c3f40 tweak(Admin/Frontend/Json): also catch Tinebase_Exception_Backend in _getQuotaNodesByLevel
ff42b5e tweak(Tinebase/User): assign default user group if no primary group found in sync backend
18f38ca tweak(Tinebase/Group): catch not found exception when syncing group memberships
86ab7bd tweak(Tinebase/EvalDim): only check right if user is available
c373be9 tweak(Tinebase/AreaLock): support to bypass areaLocks by IP
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
8452c20 feature(Tinebase) have color schema variants for logos
94bbb60 fix(Tinebase): clear logo cache
159a2bb fix(Tinebase) install/branding logo
ea6645e fix(Tinebase/Core): error fix
33ae2c4 fix(Sales/js): autofill billing address without division in contractEditDialog
d402503 fix(Tinebase): not use quotaMonitoring config
b6d02ea fix(Tinebase/User/AD): fix user add for ActiveDirectory
a62d7af fix(Admin): Don't delete password change date on account update
86fb901 fix(Felamimail/js): open email documents via existing cache in cross window
289e82d fix(GDPR/Update): set default value for self service fields in db
5d762b0 tweak(Tinebase/Controller): getLogo auto-invert light png logos if dark not available/configured
11a5bd3 tweak(Tinebase/Controller.php): set default getLogo size to 300x100
06e2d4a tweak(Felamimail/Message): improve winmail.dat tmpfile error handling
e7b58f8 tweak(Sales/Document): prevent "__clone method called on non-object"
5dff0a3 tweak(Sales) Document prepare for copy fixes, added more test assertions
7abe615 tweak(Tinebase/User/AD): only update user again if accountId is set
4e32e16 tweak(TB) numberable bucket_key centralized
c0e74a1 tweak(Tinebase/AreaLock): password can be null
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
c8f6879 fix(Course/js): use record picker for course type field
9b61797 tweak(Sales) DocumentPosition calculate price take default tax rate into account
0451880 tweak(Sales): harmonize german xrechnung field names to their kosit translations
Releasenotes in German
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
00895a7 fix(Course/js): user old records picker in course app
78fd24b fix(Tinebase): client does not show up
9a09115 fix(Tinebase/User/ActiveDirectory): use configured pw policy for new users
76e1b47 fix(Filemanager/js): fix layout for DuplicateFileUploadDialog
0f93305 fix(Felamimail/js): force switch attachment partId type to string
7e442be fix(Addressbook/List): wrong validator alarm for emailField
d005bd1 fix(Tinebase/js): set active toolbar for quick filter plugin when useQuickFilter
62af071 fix(Felamimail/js): validate attachmet partId from integer
b2c82f6 fix(Felamimail/js): opening forwarded eml mails with attachments does not work
09cca71 fix(Admin/User): add missing twing filter for accountLoginChars
0e4c5e5 fix(Felamimail/Message): forwarded winmail.dat attachments breaks ActiveSync
ddf4db0 fix(Admin/User): new user unable to create
80df6b4 fix(Tinebase/Record/PropertyLocalization): allow different prop localizations
3879849 fix(Tinebase/Json): check if sso is installed
351482b fix(Tinebase/js): handle error log from message
84b3b2b fix(Felamimail/js): create generic attachment record for OOI
8f9788a fix(Tinebase): coloredValue NumberField shows green on neg values (i18n)
75e7905 fix(Addressbook): CUSTOMER_ADDRESSBOOK feature not working from ui
aa4f634 fix(Sales): html exception does not work in FF
785a09b fix(Tinebase): quickfilter sync breaks on fav change
95ec1c0 tweak(Timetracker) performance improvement of container acl filter
51f788f tweak(Tinebase) keep recordSearchCombos open if to record was found
7bbf5b5 tweak(Setup) make getExistingForeignKeys deprecated
e8319a4 tweak(etc) backport nginx rewrite rules
fedf3b5 tweak(TB WebDav) fix container getSyncToken
a2748f0 tweak(TB MC) fix type pwd converter
cca09e8 tweak(TB) controller undelete php8 fixed
006ecb0 tweak(Tinebase/UI): Basic responsive quickfilter ui for main views
48e1016 tweak(Filesystem/Flysystem): catch all exceptions on directoryExists
d3ffd4e tweak(TB) numberable update path fixed
f00b601 tweak(Sales) legacy invoice storno fixed
45142c5 tweak(docu): security email has changed
875c222 tweak(TB Update) fix numberable update path
14bba3e tweak(Tinebase/Record): check if record property is countable
e371c31 tweak(Courses) Divis Import adjust home dir on account rename only
bb16171 tweak(TB Login) fix pwd less login config
60ef5d4 tweak(TB Login) create session for get webauthn options
728359b tweak(TB) add copy API
74f769d tweak(TB) bump simplesaml version
cfb3fb8 tweak(Calendar/PeriodFilter): param should be a string when sanitizing input
22ec854 tweak(Sales) tweak json record set default converter
9d71983 tweak(Sales) don't bloat position grid
80606f3 tweak(Sales) legacy invoice was enabled per acident
a85f628 tweak(TB) add json record set with defaults converter
4c06cb9 tweak(Sales Document) Storno of storno re reversal status fixed
92c001e tweak(Addressbook/List): catch 403 in getListMembersWithFunctions
b1a9887 tweak(Sales) fix invoice tests
beca16c tweak(UI/Tinebase): Passwort dialog darkmode colors fix
9dd69de tweak(Sales Test) fix wrong test skip condition
45d4f16 tweak(TB Scheduler) send fail report mail only when fails occured
38aaf78 tweak(Tinebase) field descriptions are not shown
ed50ec1 tweak(Sales) Edocument fix multiple payment means text
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
fc69f9e feature(Purchases): new purchases module
09cca71 fix(Admin/User): add missing twing filter for accountLoginChars
ba92453 fix(Admin/User): fix issue to create user
0e4c5e5 fix(Felamimail/Message): forwarded winmail.dat attachments breaks ActiveSync
ddf4db0 fix(Admin/User): new user unable to create
80df6b4 fix(Tinebase/Record/PropertyLocalization): allow different prop localizations
cc64eb7 fix(Tinebase/Grid): doesn't able to scroll in GridView Menu
e8319a4 tweak(etc) backport nginx rewrite rules
fedf3b5 tweak(TB WebDav) fix container getSyncToken
a2748f0 tweak(TB MC) fix type pwd converter
cca09e8 tweak(TB) controller undelete php8 fixed
006ecb0 tweak(Tinebase/UI): Basic responsive quickfilter ui for main views
48e1016 tweak(Filesystem/Flysystem): catch all exceptions on directoryExists
d3ffd4e tweak(TB) numberable update path fixed
f00b601 tweak(Sales) legacy invoice storno fixed
45142c5 tweak(docu): security email has changed
875c222 tweak(TB Update) fix numberable update path
14bba3e tweak(Tinebase/Record): check if record property is countable
a001154 tweak(Tinebase/Grid): Allow wheel scrolling in menu
beca16c tweak(UI/Tinebase): Passwort dialog darkmode colors fix
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
3879849 fix(Tinebase/Json): check if sso is installed
b72aa2d fix(Tinebase): mfa probs with new login box
351482b fix(Tinebase/js): handle error log from message
84b3b2b fix(Felamimail/js): create generic attachment record for OOI
8ff1146 fix(Admin/js): hide name in customfield module
c704e29 fix(Felamimail/Message): decode iso-8859-1 attachment file name
a6f4fb0 fix(Tinebase/Controller/Record): fix ternary expression
b7a4c7a fix(Tinebase/Frontend/Cli): make monitoringCheckQuota anonymous
5d251f7 fix(Felamimail/js): set badge on correct icon
e371c31 tweak(Courses) Divis Import adjust home dir on account rename only
bb16171 tweak(TB Login) fix pwd less login config
60ef5d4 tweak(TB Login) create session for get webauthn options
5359f1f tweak(Tinebase) custom logo in login-box
cfb3fb8 tweak(Calendar/PeriodFilter): param should be a string when sanitizing input
22ec854 tweak(Sales) tweak json record set default converter
9d71983 tweak(Sales) don't bloat position grid
92c001e tweak(Addressbook/List): catch 403 in getListMembersWithFunctions
f8373ff tweak(Tinebase/FileSystem): use SystemGeneric exception on node name update fail
f550c39 tweak(Sales) xrechnung, fix VAT procedures
caecd09 tweak(Tinebase): allow to pass context in direct methods
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
8f9788a fix(Tinebase): coloredValue NumberField shows green on neg values (i18n)
75e7905 fix(Addressbook): CUSTOMER_ADDRESSBOOK feature not working from ui
aa4f634 fix(Sales): html exception does not work in FF
785a09b fix(Tinebase): quickfilter sync breaks on fav change
05cc692 fix(lib/Ext): set default date format for date fields
0a75b97 fix(Felamimail/GridPanel): don't show alert on dropping non-files
38aaf78 tweak(Tinebase) field descriptions are not shown
ed50ec1 tweak(Sales) Edocument fix multiple payment means text
Releasenotes PDF (in German)
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
00eac3b feature(Sales): edocuemnt validatin (erros) UI
693ffd9 feature(Admin/User): notify user password change via SMS
99fee7d feature (Sales EDocument) add payment means to debitor
ad7ec48 fix(Tinebase/Core): externalIdps might not be available (#96)
ecd2c6b fix(Tasks): re editing tasks in dependedTaskPanel looses first update
0a75b97 fix(Felamimail/GridPanel): don't show alert on dropping non-files
a443dab fix(Timetracker/Timesheet): update timesheets with invalid relations needs confirmation
77bdb67 fix(Admin/EmailAccount): fix removeAdminAccess for master user
4937596 fix(Felamimail/Message): allow to reply to/forward deleted messages
5344634 fix(Admin/js): set missing required field in grid
cc74950 fix(Felamimail/Http): download node attachment from stream
935d655 fix(Tinebase) path ui in adb
8ff1146 fix(Admin/js): hide name in customfield module
c704e29 fix(Felamimail/Message): decode iso-8859-1 attachment file name
a6f4fb0 fix(Tinebase/Controller/Record): fix ternary expression
feb1297 fix(Addressbook/Config): show email as contact title when name fields are empty
b7a4c7a fix(Tinebase/Frontend/Cli): make monitoringCheckQuota anonymous
b647ae9 fix(translation): fix translation for format message
1735464 fix(Calendar/js): create individual event from new event
f4fafb1 tweak(Tinebase) pixel perfection for grids in fieldsets
58d2430 tweak(Sales) fix test fails
919a511 tweak(Sales XRechnung) access to validation result
367bd77 tweak(Admin/Cli): show users without smtp/imap accounts in cleanupMailaccounts
ac66b53 tweak(GDPR/DataIntendedPurposeRecord): add optional parameter for get manage consent route
da99c71 tweak(Tinebase/EmailUser): rename SMTP config onlyemaildestination -> accountnamedestination
9e498c1 tweak(SSO/Controller): publicAuthorize Exception on false credentials
16f8597 tweak(TB MFA) small webauthn refactor
a7cbdaf tweak(Sales) legacy invoice xrechnung use contract billing address
34a7edc tweak(TB Login) enable username less login
e8f719b tweak(Sales) XRechnung PMC make pm identifier twig template & configurable
f8ba2a8 tweak(Sales) legacy invoice xrechnung contract id fixed
0563a12 tweak(Inventory): Only use HR employee model, if HR app is available
9cffa62 tweak(Tinebase/Config): deep merge conf.d config files
eb7dc2f tweak(Tinebase/Config): load conf.d files in ascending order
3c785f8 tweak(Sales) add 'Seller identifier' to debitors/eInvoices
1a0f844 tweak(Sales) fix update path for payment means
6c4fc9d tweak(TB) Model CustomFieldConfig fix phpdoc tags
f8373ff tweak(Tinebase/FileSystem): use SystemGeneric exception on node name update fail
bc2f1ff tweak(TB Login) enable fido2 style pwd less login
6be6e48 tweak(Tinebase/Alarms): filter invalid chars from sent_message
f550c39 tweak(Sales) xrechnung, fix VAT procedures
318b79b tweak(Addressbook/Lists): do not allow to remove list that is linked to admin group
d8f4fab tweak(Tinebase/ActionQueue|Session): improve prefix
c4b4d97 tweak(Inventory/js): add inventory id field to edit dialog
7db2061 tweak(TB Login/SSO) make external Idps available for username less login
44b0caf tweak(TB test issues) date time test failes fixed
6e46e5b tweak(Cal Import) make add own attende optional, by default attendees as they come
e752052 tweak(Sales) add ubl view svc test
f092b3c tweak(TB FS) decrease memory consumption fileRevisionCleanup
15a9229 tweak(TB AD) user sync group pwd cant change sddl fixed
caecd09 tweak(Tinebase): allow to pass context in direct methods
Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
47195de feature(Tinebase/Config): also add json configs from conf.d
99fee7d feature (Sales EDocument) add payment means to debitor
935d655 fix(Tinebase) path ui in adb
8ff1146 fix(Admin/js): hide name in customfield module
c704e29 fix(Felamimail/Message): decode iso-8859-1 attachment file name
a6f4fb0 fix(Tinebase/Controller/Record): fix ternary expression
feb1297 fix(Addressbook/Config): show email as contact title when name fields are empty
1735464 fix(Calendar/js): create individual event from new event
a7cbdaf tweak(Sales) legacy invoice xrechnung use contract billing address
34a7edc tweak(TB Login) enable username less login
e8f719b tweak(Sales) XRechnung PMC make pm identifier twig template & configurable
f8ba2a8 tweak(Sales) legacy invoice xrechnung contract id fixed
0563a12 tweak(Inventory): Only use HR employee model, if HR app is available
9cffa62 tweak(Tinebase/Config): deep merge conf.d config files
eb7dc2f tweak(Tinebase/Config): load conf.d files in ascending order
3c785f8 tweak(Sales) add 'Seller identifier' to debitors/eInvoices
1a0f844 tweak(Sales) fix update path for payment means
6c4fc9d tweak(TB) Model CustomFieldConfig fix phpdoc tags
f8373ff tweak(Tinebase/FileSystem): use SystemGeneric exception on node name update fail
bc2f1ff tweak(TB Login) enable fido2 style pwd less login
6be6e48 tweak(Tinebase/Alarms): filter invalid chars from sent_message
f550c39 tweak(Sales) xrechnung, fix VAT procedures
318b79b tweak(Addressbook/Lists): do not allow to remove list that is linked to admin group
d8f4fab tweak(Tinebase/ActionQueue|Session): improve prefix
c4b4d97 tweak(Inventory/js): add inventory id field to edit dialog
caecd09 tweak(Tinebase): allow to pass context in direct methods