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jbmusso edited this page Jul 12, 2016 · 4 revisions

Attention: this Wiki hosts an outdated version of the TinkerPop framework and Gremlin language documentation.

Blueprints is a collection of interfaces. If these interfaces are implemented, then the underlying graph database is “Blueprints-enabled.” In many situations, its desirable to not expose a Blueprints-enabled graph database, but instead, to expose an implementation of another set of interfaces. In the package com.tinkerpop.blueprints.oupls, there are “outplementations” for other popular interfaces. In this way, any Blueprints-enabled graph database can be framed within the context of that set of interfaces.

The naming convention for impls and oupls is as such.

  • XXXGraph: An implementation of the Graph interface. XXX is modeled as a Graph.
  • GraphXXX: An ouplementation of the Graph interface to XXX. Graph is modeled as an XXX.