Onion library is a free ui library that I made
This is my first ui lib that i have made, and I plan to make more in the future
Made by .tip5 on discord
Buttons Sliders Toggles Keycodes Textboxes Notifications
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tip52/onionLib/main/main.lua"))()
local mainWin = Library:Window("OnionLib example")
local tab1 = mainWin:CreateTab({"tab1","http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=7436811843"}) -- name, icon
Lines kind of act as a separator between parts of the ui
tab1:Line("This is a line")
mainWin:Notification({"Title", "Description", 2}) -- Title, description, time
tab1:Button("Get notified",function() --text, callback
mainWin:Notification({"Notif", "this is notification", 2})
tab1:Toggle("Toggle test",true,function(v) --text, default, callback
mainWin:Notification({"Notif", tostring(v), 2})
tab1:TextBox("Select Player",function(v) -- text, callback
mainWin:Notification({"Notif", tostring(v), 2})
tab1:Keycode({"Keycode", Enum.KeyCode.E}, function(v) -- text, default key, callback
local key = tostring(v)
mainWin:Notification({"Onion Notif", key, 2})
tab1:Slider("This is a slider",{Min = -100, Max = 100, Def = 0},function(v) -- text, minimum, maximum, default, callback
print("Slider: " .. tostring(v))
there are 3 types of labels: info, warning, and normal
tab3:Label("e") -- will default to normal label if no type
tab1:Label("e", "Label")
tab2:Label("e", "Warning")
tab1:Label("e", "Info")
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tip52/onionLib/main/main.lua"))()
local mainWin = Library:Window("OnionLib example")
local tab1 = mainWin:CreateTab({"tab1","http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=7436811843"}) -- name, icon
local tab2 = mainWin:CreateTab({"tab2","http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=7436811843"}) -- name, icon
tab1:Line("This is a line")
mainWin:Notification({"Title", "Description", 2}) -- Title, description, time
tab1:Button("Get notified",function() --text, callback
mainWin:Notification({"Notif", "this is notification", 2})
tab1:Toggle("Toggle test",true,function(v) --text, default, callback
mainWin:Notification({"Notif", tostring(v), 2})
tab1:Toggle("Toggle test",false,function(v) --text, default, callback
mainWin:Notification({"Notif", tostring(v), 2})
tab1:TextBox("Select Player",function(v) -- text, callback
mainWin:Notification({"Notif", tostring(v), 2})
tab1:Keycode({"Keycode", Enum.KeyCode.E}, function(v) -- text, default key, callback
local key = tostring(v)
mainWin:Notification({"Onion Notif", key, 2})
tab1:Slider("This is a slider",{Min = -100, Max = 100, Def = 0},function(v) -- text, minimum, maximum, default, callback
print("Slider: " .. tostring(v))
tab1:Label("e") -- will default to normal label if no type
tab1:Label("e", "Label")
tab1:Label("e", "Warning")
tab1:Label("e", "Info")