Schematron implementation of RXP Specification
- rxp.stron validates rxp.xml files
- rxp-rep.stron: validates rxp-rep-n.xml files
- rxp-digiprov.stron: validates rxp-digiprov.xml files
- rxp-rep-digiprov.stron: validates rxp-rep-n-digiprov.xml files
- rxp-mets.stron: validates common mets structure in rxp.xml and rxp-rep-n.xml files
- rxp.xml: sample package description
- rxp-digiprov.xml: sample package digiprov
- rxp-rep-1.xml: sample representation description
- rxp-rep-1-digiprov.xml: sample representation digiprov
- rxp-rights.xml: sample rights
- TIPR: Towards Interoperable Preservation Repositories
- information about and how to use schematron
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