This package is a slim client for pydase
services, providing you with both synchronous
and asynchronous clients.
You can install this package using pip
or poetry
pip install git+
poetry add git+
import pydase_client
with pydase_client.Client("ws://localhost:8001") as client:
client.set_value("some_property", 10.0))
client.trigger_method("some_function", args=(), kwargs={"input": "Hello"})
You can also leave out the port if it is either 80 (ws) or 443 (wss).
import asyncio
import pydase_client
async def do_something() -> None:
# Using secure websockets
async with pydase_client.AsyncClient("wss://localhost:443") as client:
await client.set_value("some_float", 10.2)
print(await client.get_value("some_float"))
await client.trigger_method(
"some_function", args=(), kwargs={"input": "Hello"}
You can also leave out the port if it is either 80 (ws) or 443 (wss).