If you want to work with aiograpi (business interests), we strongly advise you to prefer HikerAPI project. However, you won't need to spend weeks or even months setting it up. The best service available today is HikerAPI, which handles 4β5 million daily requests, provides support around-the-clock, and offers partners a special rate. In many instances, our clients tried to save money and preferred aiograpi, but in our experience, they ultimately returned to HikerAPI after spending much more time and money. It will be difficult to find good accounts, good proxies, or resolve challenges, and IG will ban your accounts.
The aiograpi more suits for testing or research than a working business!
- LamaTok for TikTok API π₯
- HikerAPI for Instagram API β‘β‘β‘
- DataLikers for Instagram Datasets π
- Getting public data of user, posts, stories, highlights, followers and following users
- Getting public email and phone number, if the user specified them in his business profile
- Getting public data of post, story, album, Reels, IGTV data and the ability to download content
- Getting public data of hashtag and location data, as well as a list of posts for them
- Getting public data of all comments on a post and a list of users who liked it
- Management of proxy servers, mobile devices and challenge resolver
- Login by username and password, sessionid and support 2FA
- Managing messages and threads for Direct and attach files
- Download and upload a Photo, Video, IGTV, Reels, Albums and Stories
- Work with Users, Posts, Comments, Insights, Collections, Location and Hashtag
- Insights by account, posts and stories
- Like, following, commenting, editing account (Bio) and much more else
Asynchronous Instagram Private API wrapper without selenium. Use the most recent version of the API from Instagram, which was obtained using reverse-engineering with Charles Proxy and Proxyman.
Instagram API valid for 27 Feb 2024 (last reverse-engineering check)
Support Python >= 3.10
For any other languages (e.g. C++, C#, F#, D, Golang, Erlang, Elixir, Nim, Haskell, Lisp, Closure, Julia, R, Java, Kotlin, Scala, OCaml, JavaScript, Crystal, Ruby, Rust, Swift, Objective-C, Visual Basic, .NET, Pascal, Perl, Lua, PHP and others), I suggest using instagrapi-rest
Support Chat in Telegram
and GitHub Discussions
- Performs Web API or Mobile API requests depending on the situation (to avoid Instagram limits)
- Login by username and password, including 2FA and by sessionid (and uses Authorization header instead Cookies)
- Challenge Resolver have Email and SMS handlers
- Support upload a Photo, Video, IGTV, Reels, Albums and Stories
- Support work with User, Media, Comment, Insights, Collections, Location (Place), Hashtag and Direct Message objects
- Like, Follow, Edit account (Bio) and much more else
- Insights by account, posts and stories
- Build stories with custom background, font animation, link sticker and mention users
- Account registration and captcha passing will appear
pip install aiograpi
from aiograpi import Client
cl = Client()
user_id = await cl.user_id_from_username(ACCOUNT_USERNAME)
medias = await cl.user_medias(user_id, 20)
Additional example
from aiograpi import Client
from aiograpi.types import StoryMention, StoryMedia, StoryLink, StoryHashtag
cl = Client()
await cl.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD, verification_code="<2FA CODE HERE>")
media_pk = await cl.media_pk_from_url('https://www.instagram.com/p/CGgDsi7JQdS/')
media_path = await cl.video_download(media_pk)
subzeroid = await cl.user_info_by_username('subzeroid')
hashtag = await cl.hashtag_info('dhbastards')
await cl.video_upload_to_story(
"Credits @subzeroid",
mentions=[StoryMention(user=subzeroid, x=0.49892962, y=0.703125, width=0.8333333333333334, height=0.125)],
hashtags=[StoryHashtag(hashtag=hashtag, x=0.23, y=0.32, width=0.5, height=0.22)],
medias=[StoryMedia(media_pk=media_pk, x=0.5, y=0.5, width=0.6, height=0.8)]
- Index
- Getting Started
- Usage Guide
- Interactions
- Publication (also called post): Photo, Video, Album, IGTV and ReelsResource
- Part of Media (for albums)MediaOembed
- Short version of MediaAccount
- Full private info for your account (e.g. email, phone_number)TOTP
- 2FA TOTP helpers (generate seed, enable/disable TOTP, generate code as Google Authenticator)User
- Full public user dataUserShort
- Short public user data (used in Usertag, Comment, Media, Direct Message)Usertag
- Tag user in Media (coordinates + UserShort)Location
- GEO location (GEO coordinates, name, address)Hashtag
- Hashtag object (id, name, picture)Collection
- Collection of medias (name, picture and list of medias)Comment
- Comments to MediaHighlight
- HighlightsNotes
- NotesStory
- StoryStoryLink
- Link StickerStoryLocation
- Tag Location in Story (as sticker)StoryMention
- Mention users in Story (user, coordinates and dimensions)StoryHashtag
- Hashtag for story (as sticker)StorySticker
- Tag sticker to story (for example from giphy)StoryBuild
- StoryBuilder return path to photo/video and mention co-ordinatesDirectThread
- Thread (topic) with messages in Direct MessageDirectMessage
- Message in Direct MessageInsight
- Insights for a postTrack
- Music track (for Reels/Clips)
- Best Practices
- Development Guide
- Handle Exceptions
- Challenge Resolver
- Exceptions
To release, you need to call the following commands:
python setup.py sdist
twine upload dist/*