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ArgoCD with Istio and GKE


  • Clone the repo first

    git clone
    cd argocd-istio-gke
  • This is for your production setup. So get the Istio/ASM(Anthos Service Mesh) running in your GKE.

  • Create a argocd namespace as following for ASM as following

    kubectl create ns argocd
  • For ASM patch namesapce with following command.

    kubectl label namespace argocd<asm version> --overwrite
  • Create argocd namespace as following for istio

    kubectl label namespace argocd istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
  • Get the ingress running with following label. # This label is used inside our gateway-vs.yaml Change it at line 7-8 if you have different name.

    istio: ingressgateway
  • Get a DNS for your ingress load balancer IP and change the DNS in gateway file with following command (Mac). Change manually for windoes:

    sed -ie "s/${dns}/g" overlays/gateway-vs.yaml

Install ArgoCD

  • Now Install argocd with following command and it will start your argocd.
    kubectl apply -k . 
  • As we have not setup login with sso it will be admin password. Use user as admin
  • Password you can get from secret
    kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo 
  • Login to ArgoCD server to upate password
    argocd login <ARGOCD_SERVER> # Just  the IP:PORT or DNS:PORT
    argocd account update-password

For ArgoCD OIDC integration

Increase performace for ArgoCD

  • if your Argo CD instance manages too many applications. For 1000 application we use 50 for --status-processors and 25 for --operation-processors
  • The manifest generation typically takes the most time during reconciliation. increase the value of --repo-server-timeout-seconds and consider scaling up the argocd-repo-server deployment.