The source code of the free book PicoLisp by Example
Why PicoLisp? Short answer: PicoLisp as a language is maximizing expressive power while minimizing complexity
PicoLisp is a very simple and succinct, yet expressive language - and it is free (MIT/X11 License). Furthermore, PicoLisp has two characteristic features which are not found to that extent in other languages:
- An integrated database
- Equivalence of code and data
These two features alone, and how they are used in combination, make it worth to take a closer look at PicoLisp.
The book PicoLisp by Example has three parts:
- 99 Lisp Problems (with PicoLisp solutions for more than half of them)
- Rosetta Code Tasks (more than 600 PicoLisp solutions)
- PicoLisp Function Reference (with a complete descriptions of all symbols that constitute the language core)
It is an accompaniment of another volume, PicoLisp Works, ( with (almost) all docs ever written about PicoLisp. Both volumes are freely available as pdf files, e.g. on [Scribd] (
This book is published under the GNU Free Documentation Licence.