- Finish Project Proposal 3/23 - Everyone
- Get Car Crash Data - Paul
- Get Flow Data - Tom
- Create lines between stations and calculate distances between car crashes and bottom of I-15 - Kenneth & Tom
- Project car crashes onto lines and get their respective distances - Paul
- Create domain for each station (midpoints between stations) - Scout
- Calculate the adjusted car crash rate (# of accidents in a station domain / station's flow) - Tom
- Use a kernel to create a continuous adjusted car crash rate - Scout
- Run parametric tests to see if it follows a normal distribution - Scout
- Run non-parametric test to see if it follows a normal distribution - Tom
- Create visuals - Paul & Kenneth
- 3/23 Proposal Due
- 4/1 Final Project Update Due
- 4/7 Final Project Presentation
- 4/15 Final Project Write Up Due