InstantShare provides an information sharing space in instantly. For example, share the information from a trainer to audience in the lightweight classroom workshop, also share the information with each other.
InstantShare uses single storage account only that meaning the cost is very low (almost zero).
- PowerShell
- PowerShell 5.x and PowerShell Core 7.x are supported.
- Azure PowerShell (Az module)
- Azure subscription
- The setup script creates a resource group and a storage account in your Azure subscription. You need enough permission against the subscription.
The setup is super easy and complete in a minute.
Download the zip file from GitHub (this page).
Unblock the downloaded zip file and expand it.
PS > Unblock-File -Path .\ PS > Expand-Archive -Path .\ -DestinationPath .\InstantShare-master
Sign-in to Azure if not yet it. InstantShare will be deployed on that subscription.
PS > Connect-AzAccount
Run the setup script.
PS > cd .\InstantShare-master\InstantShare-master PS > .\setup.ps1 -Verbose
Open the InstantShare URL.
AppUri :
- We do not recommend share any secrets (e.g. password) on InstantShare. Because InstantShare does not have authentication and authorization features. This meaning anonymous users are can access if they know the URL of InstantShare.
- You can change the accessible period from the access policy settings on the InstantShare container within the storage account in Azure portal.
- InstantShare does not have the edit/delete features. But you can do it from Azure Storage Explorer or Azure Storage Explorer in Azure portal.
- You can customize the appearance by edit index.html file and re-upload it.
- We recommend that use InstantShare with URL shortening services because InstantShare's URL is long.
Copyright (c) 2018-present Takeshi Katano. All rights reserved. This software is released under the MIT License.
Disclaimer: The codes stored herein are my own personal codes and do not related my employer's any way.