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lvl^ is a web app providing an interface for an education enrichment game built for Galvanize students

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About lvl^

lvl^ is a gamified education enrichment platform for students currently enrolled in a Galvanize immersive learning program. The lvl^ web app is a full-stack web application that gives students and administrators an interface to participate in the reward based platform designed to help students reach their career goals. Students are provided with challenges and rewards which fall into four categories: education, community, career and life. These challenges give students an opportunity to complete tasks that will contribute to their growth in the respective categories. Examples of challenges include: mentoring a student in a junior cohort, conducting informational interviews, building a side project, or writing a LinkedIn/Medium article. Students earn points for completing challenges which can be cashed in for rewards. Rewards can include 30 minutes of paired programming with an instructor, a ticket to a Galvanize community lunch, business cards, or a $5 gift card to the cafe.


Front End:

On the Front End lvl^ is built with React and Redux. Additional technologies used include Redux-Forms, Axios, React-Router-DOM, Moment.js, Semantic UI, Redux-Thunk/Redux-Promise-Middleware, and Jest for testing.

Back End:

The server for lvl^ is built with Node.js and Express with a PostgreSQL database. To connect the server and database Knex and Bookshelf are used. For authentication lvl^ uses GitHub OAuth with Passport Sessions to authenticate and authorize students and JWT Tokens are transported in cookies for admins. NodeMailer is used to confirm email addresses for extra security. Additional technologies used include bcrypt, Moment.js, body-parser, and mocha/supertest for testing.

To Get Started

  1. Please fork and clone this repo.
  2. cd lvlup-frontend Change directories into the front end folder
  3. npm install Install dependencies
  4. npm run build Run a production build of our app
  5. mv build ../lvlup-backend Move the Build Folder to the root of the /lvlup-backend directory.
  6. cd ../lvlup-backend Change directories into the back end folder
  7. npm install Install dependencies
  8. touch .env Example .env file:
JWT_KEY= xxxxxx
SESSION_KEY1= xxxxxxx
  1. Please note this repo requires GitHub OAuth. Please go to the GitHub Developer Console and under 'OAuth Applications' register a new application and update the .env file with the client id and secret. The callback URL will need to be updated here on line 61 in lvlup-backend/app.js:
passport.use(new GitHubStrategy({
  clientID: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,
  callbackURL: 'http://yourURL/api/auth/github/callback',
  //localhost:3000 is default port if running locally
  (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => {
    // process.nextTick(() => done(null, profile));
    done(null, profile);
  1. Create the database locally. From the command line run the following commands: createdb lvlup_dev //For running development environment locally createdb lvlup_test //To run all of the tests

  2. Seed the database. From the command line run the following commands: knex migrate:rollback //Only if dropping the database and reseeding knex migrate:latest knex seed:run

  3. npm start To run locally

  4. lvl^ !


Front End:

  1. cd lvlup-frontend
  2. npm run-script coverage -- --cache=false

Back End:

  1. cd lvlup-backend
  2. npm test


lvl^ is a web app providing an interface for an education enrichment game built for Galvanize students






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