Squebi is a SPARQL editor and SPARQL result visualizer with some nice features:
- customization of SPARQL result visualization
- support for SPARQL 1.1 (update and select)
- bookmarkable uris that define queries and the visualization type
- support for SPARQL query editing (URIs, ontologies and prefixes)
- fast backend switch (quite useful for demo)
- nice GUI
Squebi is in use in the following projects and products:
Squeby uses bower for dependency management. To get all dependencies, execute bower install
The current version is v1.0.1.
For configuration set your SPARQL endpoints (and additional parameters) by script and include it before the requirejs.
The URI of the SPARQL select webservice (used via POST).
The URI of the SPARQL update webservice (used via POST).
If squebi allows dynamic changes of SPARQL endpoints.
default: false
If squebi automatically sends the current query after the page is loaded.
default: true
Additional query parameters as property:'value' pairs.
If UI allows SPARQL update queries.
default: true
Namespace prefixes as path:'prefix' pairs. Als prefixes that are not defined here will be looked up on prefix.cc.
The identifier (#id or .class) for the container that should be used for the application.
default: '#squebi'
The identifier (#id or .class) for the container that is shown before the app is loaded completely. This container is hided on app startup complete.
default: '#appLoader'
The uri of the squebi app.
default: '.'
The uri of the bower dependencies.
default: 'bower_components'
Custom response messages based on http response as 'number':'message' pairs. If no response message is defined, the server response is used for display.
samples : List
A List if sample objects with properties 'name' (what is displayd), 'query', and 'type' (the id of the writer).
writers : List
A list that includes the ids of the writers which are enabled.
Sample Configuration
selectService : "https://api.redlink.io/1.0-BETA/data/example/sparql/select",
updateService : "https://api.redlink.io/1.0-BETA/data/example/sparql/update",
queryParams : {
key : "mykeyasadditionalqueryparameter"
Use Squebi as Webjar
You can use squebi in version 1.0.1 as webjar, too. The webjar is hosted on Maven Central. Put this dependencies to your pom
Important: If you want to build your own webjar, please download the required bower dependencies first into the folder bower_components