cl-spark generates a sparkline string for a list of numbers. It is a common lisp implementation of Zach Holman's spark and Gil Gonçalves' vspark with little extension.
The goal of cl-spark is quick data visualization for:
- quick-and-dirty tasks (e.g. check the number of http-requests, github-commits, temperature, etc.),
- deciding whether the data is worth to real data mining (e.g. monitoring Fukushima Nuclear Power Station),
- grasping the secret aesthetic beauty (e.g. visualizing the fibonacci sequence, you can feel the golden ratio).
- The character encoding of cl-spark must be
. If your lisp is clozure, you need command-line option$ ccl -K utf-8
when you start lisp on the shell.
(ql:quickload :cl-spark)
git clone
(push #p"/path-to-cl-spark/cl-spark/" asdf:*central-registry*)
(ql:quickload :cl-spark)
or(asdf:load-system :cl-spark)
;;; Spark
(spark '(1 1 2 3 5 8)) => "▁▁▂▃▅█"
;; float, minus
(spark '(1 0 1 0)) => "█▁█▁"
(spark '(1 0 1 0 .5)) => "█▁█▁▄"
(spark '(1 0 1 0 -1)) => "█▄█▄▁"
;; min, max
(spark '(0 30 55 80 33 150)) => "▁▂▃▅▂█"
(spark '(0 30 55 80 33 150) :min -100) => "▃▄▅▆▄█"
(spark '(0 30 55 80 33 150) :max 50) => "▁▅██▅█"
(spark '(0 30 55 80 33 150) :min 30 :max 80) => "▁▁▄█▁█"
;; key
(spark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (sin (* x pi 1/4))))
=> "▄▆█▆▄▂▁▂▄"
(spark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (cos (* x pi 1/4))))
=> "█▆▄▂▁▂▄▆█"
;; in function
(defun look-bits (n)
(spark (map 'list #'digit-char-p (write-to-string n :base 2))))
(look-bits 42) => "█▁█▁█▁"
(look-bits 43) => "█▁█▁██"
(look-bits 44) => "█▁██▁▁"
(look-bits 45) => "█▁██▁█"
;; *ticks*
(defvar ternary '(-1 0 1 -1 1 0 -1 1 -1))
(spark ternary) => "▁▄█▁█▄▁█▁"
(let ((*ticks* #(#\_ #\- #\¯)))
(spark ternary)) => "_-¯_¯-_¯_"
(let ((*ticks* #(#\▄ #\⎯ #\▀)))
(spark ternary)) => "▄⎯▀▄▀⎯▄▀▄"
;;; Vspark
;; Life expectancy by WHO region, 2011, bothsexes
;; see.
(defvar life-expectancies '(("Africa" 56)
("Americans" 76)
("South-East Asia" 67)
("Europe" 76)
("Eastern Mediterranean" 68)
("Western Pacific" 76)
("Global" 70)))
(vspark life-expectancies :key #'second)
56 66 76
(vspark life-expectancies :key #'second
:min 50 :max 80
:labels (mapcar #'first life-expectancies)
:title "Life Expectancy")
Life Expectancy
50 65 80
Africa █████▋
Americans ████████████████████████▎
South-East Asia ███████████████▉
Europe ████████████████████████▎
Eastern Mediterranean ████████████████▊
Western Pacific ████████████████████████▎
Global ██████████████████▋
;; labels, size
(vspark '(1 0 .5) :labels '("on" "off" "unknown") :size 1)
on █
off ▏
unknown ▌
(vspark '(1 0 .5) :labels '("on" "off") :size 1)
on █
off ▏
(vspark '(1 0) :labels '("on" "off" "unknown") :size 1)
on █
off ▏
;; auto-scale
(vspark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (sin (* x pi 1/4)))
:size 20)
-1.0 0.0 1.0
(vspark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (sin (* x pi 1/4)))
:size 10)
-1.0 1.0
(vspark '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) :key (lambda (x) (sin (* x pi 1/4)))
:size 7)
For more examples, see cl-spark/test.lisp
Generates a sparkline string for a list of real numbers.
- numbers is a data, list of real-numbers.
- min is lower bound of output, either
or real-number (default isNIL
, the minimum value of the data). - max is upper bound of output, either
or real-number (default isNIL
, the maximum value of the data). - key is a function for preparing data.
A simple-vector of characters for representation of sparklines.
Default is #(#\▁ #\▂ #\▃ #\▄ #\▅ #\▆ #\▇ #\█)
Generates a vartical sparkline string for a list of real numbers.
- numbers is a data, list of real-numbers.
- min is lower bound of output, either
or real-number (default isNIL
, the minimum value of the data). - max is upper bound of output, either
or real-number (default isNIL
, the maximum value of the data). - key is a function for preparing data.
- size is a maximum number of output columns (contains label), integer (default is 50).
- title is a title for data, string or nil. If title is too big for size, then not print.
- labels is a labels for data, list.
- scale? is a boolean (default is
). If T, output graph with scale for easy to see. If string length of min and max is too big for size, then not print scale. - newline? is a boolean (default is
). If T, output graph with newlines for easy to see.
A simple-vector of characters for representation of vartical sparklines.
Default is #(#\▏ #\▎ #\▍ #\▌ #\▋ #\▊ #\▉ #\█)
Takaya OCHIAI <#.(reverse "moc.liamg@lper.hcykt")>
MIT License
Copyright (C) 2013 Takaya OCHIAI