In the Far East martial arts, The warriors exercise for the sake of being comfortable and carrying out movements in perfect form. They are hitting the gap again and again as if there is a rival in front of them. These solo combat exercises, which are done in succession with certain movements and in a certain amount of time (and even with a certain number of breaths), whose scenarios date back centuries, are called kata.
These solutions are based on that mentality so this repository consists of some solutions to problems in Codewars via Dart. Exposing yourself to struggle with small problems in your daily life prepares you for real and challenging problems.
The solutions in the repo are for reference only. Note that, Copying and using them does not benefit the developer. Since there are multiple ways to solve a problem, these solutions may not be the best solutions.
My CodeWars profile: @tolg
Take the code initiation CodeWars to enlist and challenge yourself.