Get VirtualBox here
It is recommended installing it from the web site with the latest stable version.
Caveats: Check CAVEATS file
Currently migrating to lucid64 before doing a release. lucid64 was recently added to vagrant as a default development environment, as well it supported on an ec2 small instance. If you are still developing with maverick64 (which is default now) there is a branch available for that.
sudo gem install vagrant
or Manually download form here:
git clone
cd osmdevbox
vagrant up
This will download the box image if its not already there It will start the vm, installing any necessary software
vagrant ssh
Start up the development server
cd openstreetmap-website
rails server
On your host machine go to to access the rails port and go to to access the leaflet osm debugger (currently just a stub)
There is a bug where the apache2 server will need to be restarted manually if the vm is installed from scratch...
GeoDjango Does not automatically install To install (do this inside the vm)
sudo puppet apply /vagrant/manifests/geodjango.pp
after this is done, do
source virtualenvs/geodjango/bin/activate
cd demo
python runserver
To stop the vm vagrant halt
To destroy the vm, use vagrant destroy
...this allows you to reinstall the OS from scratch
If you want to get updates but not reinstall the OS you can update from git then do
vagrant provision
...this will update puppet tasks but not have to reinstall everything from scratch
NOTE: This is currently in a state of flux and probably will not work
sudo gem install chef knife-ec2
Initial set up:
mkdir ~/.chef
cp knife.rb ~/.chef
Add environment variables to your profile (.profile or .bash_profile for your machine)
Show the available servers you have
knife ec2 server list
Delete a server
knife ec2 server delete i-XXXXXXXX
Create a server
knife ec2 server create -r 'role[webserver]' -I ami-7000f019 -f m1.small
Chef throws an error, working on that now