Welcome to XeOra, your ultimate solution for shift and calendar management! This innovative application streamlines the process of scheduling and managing shifts, making it a breeze for both managers and employees.
- Efficient Shift Management: View, create, and modify shifts directly on the calendar.
- Integration with Other Calendars: Sync with Google Calendar, iCal, and other popular calendar services.
- User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive design that makes scheduling and managing shifts easy.
- Adaptable to Your Needs: Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, XeOra is designed to adapt to your needs.
XeOra is built with a microservices architecture for scalability and ease of development. Here's a brief overview of the main components:
- Frontend: The frontend is built with Angular 17 and TypeScript, providing a robust and type-safe development experience.
- Backend: The backend services are built with Supabase.
- Database: We use Postgres for our database needs.
- Authentication: We use Google authentication with Supabase service
- Node.js
- npm
🖥️ Usage After installation, you can start the application with:
npm start
The application will be available at http://localhost:4200.
To deploy with Github pages
ng deploy --base-href="https://tmac12.github.io/supabase-angular/"
To get google calendars use project xeora-backend and start with node app.js
- Send welcome message via email from supabase: - https://supabase.com/docs/guides/functions/examples/send-emails - https://www.reddit.com/r/Supabase/comments/187s9em/what_is_the_best_way_to_send_a_really_nice/ - https://bejamas.io/blog/send-emails-supabase-edge-functions-database-triggers/
- Share calendar with other contacts
- Create a logo
- Get only current months events
- Move accountService on a shared component
- Refactor with declarative code
- Add private flag to calendar event
- Handle click on existing event with action DELETE, UPDATE.
- Make only 1 request to get friends. Save to signal friends count, friends not owner, etc.
- Show friends count via new signal